Chapter 2

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So hi peeps. This is better than expected I am having a bubble bath right now and a feast of steak and meat.The new dude that saved me last night's name is Michael and he is in the US army. The only war going on is the Iraq War. I over heard last night Michael and his friends talking about that they might have to join the war and go over to Iraq. That is a scary thought I just got a new master and he might be going into war soon. I am going to explore the base first up is the barracks, which is the place I slept last night, every trooper gets his own bunk.Next the armory it is full of rocket launchers, bombs, and stuff. Next the free time place you can lift wights and play football and stuff like that. Last but not least the place were they store all the vehicles and planes there are planes and tanks and stuff.     

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