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Izzy and her mom quickly set off after packing the picnic and, after a lot of convincing, some chocolatey goodies. As the two of them walked hand in hand through the crowd of people walking busily to work,  Izzy grinned. The weather was perfect. Everything was perfect. She looked at her mom's smiling face and decided that it would be an amazing day.

After a few more minutes of walking through the busy town, the two stopped in front of the parks gates.
Izzy looked at her mom and to her surprise, she made a funny face.

" Come on, we have a picnic to eat! "

So Izzy and her mom separated hands and Izzy looked around. The park wasn't usually thus quiet... Although it could just be because of the kids going to school, or playgroup. Izzy had never been to a school in London. That was because they couldn't find one close to them, and they didn't have a car. Sometimes, Izzy would dream about going to school, and making proper friends, although she did have her mom.
" sweetie, come on, let's set this picnic up! "

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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