-Chapter 2-

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Alex's POV

Me and Sam are going to go to Starbucks because we wanna get hyper haha. Jk we just wanna go their because it seems like a good day to go their.

"Are you ready yet Sam?!" I shouted impatient "yeah be right there!" She shouted back. I decided to watch tv until she comes down.

I sat on the couch and turned on E! I wasn't really paying attention until she said one direction.

My head snapped to the tv " looks like one direction is in Cheshire, Harry's home town!" The host said.

I don't know why but I felt tears coming down my face. "What's wrong?" Sam asked.

I jumped 5 feet in the air because she caught me off guard. "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!" I screamed my hand on my heart she chuckled "well sorry if my bestest friend is crying" she said jokingly "it's nothing" I said wiping my tears "okay anyways lets go" she said.

"Yea lets go" I said.


We walked in and I froze.........

You won't believe what I saw....

I saw Harry. Harry styles.

Harry's POV

I was sitting and laughing until I felt someone staring at me. I turned around and saw a pretty girl I looked at her face she looked oddly familiar. That's when it hit me......

That's Alex my childhood best friend.


Hi guys sorry it short the next one will be longer and more drama.

Bye love you, thanks!

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