The news!

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Waking up in a dark room. I opened my eyes up to see where I am. I couldn't see anything. Nothing is wrong. I thought. Slowly I touch my eyes very gently to see if they're open. Soon after I realized that they were open. I couldn't stand this. Why can't I see anything? What's wrong with me?

I can't remember what happen to me. How did I get here? I can smell that this isn't home. If it was home I would of smelt the fresh bread on the side just came out the oven, mum loves to bake at the break of dawn everyday. Its one of the thing that I love about her, shes always bake bread then some lovely, yummy snacks. Another smell that I always relate to home is old, crust, antique smell of the furniture in our home. Me and mother always love to go to car boot sales to get old, personalty, cool ,antique furniture. Its always have been me and my mother, nothing has change and nothing will change, we will always been there for each other.

Still, I don't get where I am. Then I heard a disembodied voice. I shoot my head toward the direction that I thought the voice was coming from. The voice kept saying my name. Over and over again. "Annabelle, Annabelle. Hello I'm Doctor Walker." I couldn't believe what he said, that hes a doctor, I thought I could smell antiseptic, now I know why. I'm in a hospital. Struggling to find my voice, I came out with a croaky voice asking the doctor " Why can't I see? Wheres my Mum? I want to see her?" I heard a small snuffle like he doesn't want to tell me wants wrong. I could feel that's theirs bad news coming out. I hope I haven't got anything serious with my eyes.

After a while the doctor started to tell me whats wrong. " You have got a injury to your head and face, the blindness is that you have head trauma to the brain making you blind." I don't believe whats he has just said, its probably something that they got wrong. I will prove them wrong. one day I will get my sight back. Me and my Mother will get through this, but there's just one problem I haven't heard or felt her since I woken up. I thought calmly about what I'm thinking mother wouldn't abandon me. Quickly I ask Doctor Walker " Where my mother, shouldn't she be here to hear all this?" It felt like ages for his reply. My palms were sweating and I could hear my heart pumping faster and faster. I could here the nervousness of the doctors voice when we replied to me. He wouldn't of said any bad news. He slowly replied to me. " I'm sorry to tell you Annabelle that you came here without anyone, we quickly look after your injures before we went into anything else. You have to understand you were in a very bad state." I couldn't figure out what this mean. What is he saying to me? Doctor Walker carry on with... " What I'm trying to say is that we can't contact your mother. And the police is looking into this and they can't find any track of your mother." Now I know. Mums gone! Shes abandon me!

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