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 A/N: Hey there, guys! Well, it's been a while since I posted the last chapter to this story and this is going to be only an epilogue. I must confess that I got very emotional while writing it, and, due that fact, my writing may be too fluffy. Once more, thank you for reading this story and giving me so much wonderful feedback, I really appreciate it. (PS: Pay some attention to the photo I attached to this chapter, it'll help you a little with understanding the plot.)


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May 16th, 2015 (Sunday)

It is excitingly close to summer, and Brian and Roger are doing some cleaning in their attic. Brian thought it would be good to get rid of some junk, which would make room for winter stuff. Surprisingly enough, he managed to get his husband help him.

"Bri, you know I love you, but is it really necessary to do cleaning today? C'mon, it's Sunday!" Roger complained as he threw some useless objects into a trashcan.

"I know you love me and I know it is Sunday... But we needed to do it sometime, which is impossible during the week." The guitarist looked up at him, then to the cardboard box that he was examining. "Don't throw it all away. Some things can be given away to charity." Roger only nodded.

"Why don't we ask for some maid to do it? It'd be so easier..." The younger man, who is not so young anymore, inquired, rolling his eyes.

"We couldn't ask some maid to do it because there are a lot of personal things into these boxes, so we have to select them ourselves." Brian explained, not even bothering to look at his stubborn partner this time. Roger sighed in defeat.

The amount of things that they've been keeping in their attic is incredibly large – After all, it's been almost thirty-nine years together. The couple had accumulated so many things that it seems like their cleaning will take the entire day.

"What are we going to do with it all? I mean, how are we going to dispose of it all properly?" Roger asked as he dragged a full trashcan to the corner of the room.

"I'll take the trash to a recycling center after selecting it, of course. As for clothes in good conditions, I'm taking them to the charity center." Brian finished taping a box shut. "What isn't useful for us might be for someone else."

"You always seem to know the right thing to do." The drummer stated with some pride in his voice. Brian giggled and ruffled his husband's hair.

The hours passed, and their work was finally close to an end. Both men were quite tired – the cleaning took the whole day, as expected.

"Bri, it looks like it's over." Roger looked around the room then to his husband. "If I see another box today, I swear to God..." In the middle of his speech, Brian interrupted him.

"Wait, love. What's that little box in that corner?" The older man pointed at an insignificant little box.

"I don't have the slightest idea." They walked up to the box. Eventually, Brian grabbed and opened it. "So, what's the content of it?" Though Roger was exhausted, he got kind of curious about this mysterious box.

"Oh my Goodness..." The curly haired man took his hand up to his mouth in surprise.

"What is it, Brian? Let me see!" Brian laid the box on the floor and sat down cross-legged, motioning for Roger to do the same; the two men examined the content of it in awe.

There were an analogic camera and roll films into the box. Some films were quite old, while others were almost recent. Anyway, they had been totally forgotten. Up to now.

"I didn't remember of these anymore."

"Me neither. It was a Freddie's gift, wasn't it?" Roger asked though he knew the answer.

"Yes, yes, it was." A teardrop rolled down the guitar player face. "He always gave the best gifts. I miss him..."

"No, love... Don't cry, please." Roger involved the taller man in his arms. "We should be happy we've found it."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm happy we've found it. We've been through a lot and now we have these films to prove it! "Brian flashed an imperceptible smile as he wiped his tears away.

"Can we take a look at the roll films or are you too tired?" Roger took some films out of the box, spreading them through the floor.

"Of course we can, love. I'm not that tired."

Looking the films turned out to be loads of fun for the long-term partners. The films had obviously been cut apart and reattached – that is the reason many of them weren't chronologically arranged.

"Oh look at this, Bri! Do you remember that day?" Roger asked excitedly, pointing at a film. It was Brian and he sitting closely together. The picture was so old that the original should be black and white.

"Of course I do. It's from the period we joined Smile." It seemed like his mind was wandering back to the day the photo was taken as he stared the nothing. "It shouldn't be here though." Brian said bluntly after recovering from his trance.

"Why not?" The younger man frowned in curiosity.

"Because this picture was taken a long time ago with another camera." Brian replied sternly. "The same counts for the recent films. I can't remember putting these into this box..."

"Oh love, stop thinking for once in your life." Roger teased playfully. "Oh gosh! Do you remember this photo? What a headache it has caused us!" He handed the film to his husband, waiting for his reaction.

"Oh the restaurant picture! Jim gave it to us after buying it from that devil." Brian recognized the picture, and even remembered about the person who had taken it.

"Oh, not only do you remember... You remember a lot actually."

"Yeah, you don't forget a moment like that. Neither those nice green eyes of that waiter..." Brian teased, causing his husband to nudge him in the ribs."

"Wow! That hurt!" He half laughed, half grimaced at Roger's reaction.

"Green eyes? Really? I thought you liked my blue ones better..." Roger pouted at Brian, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, baby. You're such a cute thing when you're jealous, but don't worry. I am, I have always been and I will always be yours." Brian put the box aside, kissing Roger's cheeks repeatedly.

"Only mine?" The blonde man inquired. His arms were still crossed over his chest while he tried to ignore Brian's kisses.

"Only yours!" Brian whispered in his ear. Roger looked down at him, returning the kisses this time.

"Twenty years ago, it would end into something interesting. I enjoy just kissing your face though." He giggled at his own comment.

"Oh, Rog. Do you always ruin the mood naturally or did you do some specific course for it?" Brian rolled his eyes and laid on the floor. Roger just kept giggling and chuckling.

"I think it is a natural gift I've been given." Roger laid next to Brian, resting his head on his chest. "Now, seriously, I love you. Even though you can't do interesting things after a working day anymore." He half smiled, planting a soft kiss on his chest.

"I love you too, honey. I always have..." Brian slung his arms over the smaller frame of the drummer. They stayed in silence for a while, but after so many years it wasn't awkward anymore.

"Bri? Are you still awake?"

"Yes..." Brian was drifting off in slumber.

"Let's head downstairs, you're almost sleeping."

"No, I'm fine. Just hold me tight..." Roger nuzzled onto his chest. He could smell the scent of his husband, and it was still the same as thirty-nine years ago.

"Goodnight, Brimi."

"Night, Rog..."

Within some minutes, they fell asleep into each other's arms, like they have done so many times before, surrounded by the memories of a happily lived life. 

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