Part 9: Ew Is For Emotions

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(Yo, sorry for the wait kids, kinda getting back on my feet after a bit a slump. The slumps still kind of going but im managing better and feeling a bit better too. So i'll be starting the next part now, and scrapping the voting cause that didn't go to well. Any ways here it is in all its shitty glory. Part 9 ladies, gentlemen and other.)

You woke up that morning with a head ache and a tinge of pain on the back of your head, you felt the back of your head, your hand running over a small bump. You groaned as you felt the rest of the pain flood through body. You rolled over onto your side lightly clutching you side and stomach groaning out in pain again. You for a moment forgot where you were, forgetting you lived with a family and people who gave a shit. A loud "Fuck!" left your lips and a tear slipped passed your tightly clenched eye lids. The sound of running feet made its way to your ears louder and louder until you door was slammed open by Karkat. "WHAT HAPPENED!" Karkat said with a slightly startled expression. You laid there wide eyed and a bit in shock. "s-sorry." You said surprised. Karkat walked over to you placing a hand on you back to help you sit up, "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME, I WAS LITERALLY MAKING BREAKFAST FOR EVERY ONE, WHILE GAMZEE AND DAVE PLAYED SOME DUMB VIDEO GAME, DAD AND KANKRI ARE OUT DOING SOME SHIT ALL SECRETIVE AND SHIT." Karkat said while reaching over and wiping the tear from your cheek. "DO YOU WANNA GO DOWN STAIRS? I ALMOST FINISHED BREAKFAST." Karkat questioned looking you over a bit. "Sure." you said shrugging and instantly regretting it. Karkat looked at you a bit sadly, before wrapping an arm around around your waist and pulling your other arm over his shoulder, you blushed lightly feeling his hand holding you up. You both began walking forward Karkat looked like he was irratated when you two came too the door. "You dont have to help." You said looking at his slightly annoyed look. "FUCK IT." he said placing his forearm behind your knees and lifting you carrying you bridal style. Your blush got even darker and you clung to his neck. He looked unbelievably nervous. You looked over at him just as he looked at you, you both blushed even more. He silently carried you down the stair and gently set you between Gamzee and Dave, who were currently in and intense mario cart battle, rainbow road, Gamzee mustve picked the level. You watched the two race Gamzee eventually winning. You looked over at Gamzee to see a smug grin on his face. He almost looked a bit like an insane person, you shrugged it off as normal Gamzee as youve seen him make the face a few times (mostly towards Dave.) Dave on the other hand kept his cool mostly other than the few curse words that slipped past his lips. "HEY! BREAKFAST IS READY, TURN OFF THE THAT DUMB GAME AND GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE." Karkat yelled at you all, Gamzee walked over to the T.V. turning it off, and walking into the dining room with Dave walking in after. You pushed your self up using the couch as support and wincing a bit, You really had no recollection of hurting your ankle so you had no idea why it hurt so bad, but it did, not mention the pain in your ribs. You were finally upright and began to walk forward before a sharp pain shot up your leg, and you swear you felt it reverberate up your spine. You almost screamed but you clamped a hand over your mouth attempting to make it so they didnt notice, you fell to your knees making a loud thud, that how ever was not unnoticed, Gamzee was at your side in seconds, picking you up like you weighed absolutely nothing. "Sis, if you needed help you shoulda just asked, I dont like seeing you in pain." Gamzee made a sad face down at you. You looked at him giving a bit of a 'what the fuck dude.' face. He grinned and said "Sis, youve got really pretty eyes." You blankly stared at him for a moment before sliding your hand down your face, distorting it for a moment. "Gamzee, theres food in that dining room and your complimenting my eyes." you said pointing to the dining room, where Dave was staring at you too, while Karkat looked a little more pissed than usual, almost a little protective as he glared at Gamzee. "Oh, fuck right." Gamzee chuckled carrying you into the dining room setting you down in one of the chairs and then sitting in his own next to you. Karkat sighed setting down the plates in front of you all, the plates had nicely made omelets on them with ketchup drizzled over each one, except Gamzee his had like an entire bottle of siraucha sauce, witch he seemed totally happy with.

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