The walk

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The boy awoke distraught, glancing around his small, messy room to find that he had slept in, but he didn't care. He didn't want to go to school, or even get out of bed for that matter. Sitting up with a yawn and rubbing his eyes, he slowly turned to his night stand beside his bed to see the empty bottle of sleeping pills. "How did this not work?" He sighed with discontent. He dragged his feet to his closet, stepping over the dirty clothes and old food that's probably been there for a few days. As he got to the closet door to open it, he realized he still had his clothes on from the night before. He shrugged and turned around to go to the kitchen. Pattering along the cold tile floor, he noticed how pale his feet are. "Damn, I need to tan" he thought to himself as he reached the refrigerator. A note was placed on the door with a "D" shaped magnet. "Looks like dad was late too", he said with a chuckle. Just as he was opening the fridge, there was knock on the front door. He shot a glance to see who it was. More knocks came as he got to the door. He hesitated for a few seconds. "Why is someone knocking at the door so early?", He wandered. The boy creaked the door open just enough to look and see who it was. It was a man, a very tall man, dressed in the whitest suit he'd ever seen, from his blond hair to his perfectly polished shoes. It almost hurt to look at him. "Can I help you?" The boy said squinting at the shiny stranger. The man stood there quiet. He couldn't see clearly, so he opened the door all the way to see this man. "Why are you here?" He said sternly to the man who he could now see. His face was very strong, in a sense. The mans cheek bones and chin looked very sturdy, and his skin seemed to be glowing almost as white as his suit. "I'm here for you" the man said with a calming voice. It was then the boy looked at this mans eyes, and noticed he had no color to them or pupils, but for some reason he couldn't explain, it didn't frighten him. "For me?!" He said with surprise. "Yes, I'm here for the actions that took place here last night." The man said with no expression. The boy froze and took a step back. "H-how do you know about that?" He stuttered. With a light grin, the man said, "Boy, I know more about you than you do, yourself". The boy closed his eyes and slammed the door in the mans face. Upon opening them, he found himself outside on the porch standing right in front of this towering, gleaming man. He couldn't move to get away from him, as if his bones had become hardened, stiff steel. He tried to yell out for help, but he saw nobody els was around. The man kneeled to be face to face with the him. "No one can here you boy", he said calmly. "This is a time for you and me alone". The man stared at him for a few moments and uttered out " are dead." The boys eyes widened with disbelief and fear as he fell back onto the ground. He looked at his hands and noticed the pale grayish skin that wasn't the usual light pink. "I'm....dead?" He whispered to himself. The man lowered his hand offering to help the boy up and he said, "come, walk with me". He hesitated, still in disbelief with what was happening. He slowly reached for the mans hand and was lifted up to his feet like he was made of feathers. When he got to his feet, he looked at the ground to find that he was standing on a stone walkway. His eyes shot up to look at his surroundings, where the only thing in sight was this stone road running out of view in front of him, and behind him, and with An eternity of whiteness in every other direction. "This way please". The man said with assurance.
He caught up to the man asking "who are you?". "Ah, a very good first question" the man said with delight, "unfortunately, you would not be able to understand my name, let alone try to pronounce it". He looked down at the boy as they kept walking along this never ending path. "But, you may know me as who humans call, the angel of death."  The boy didn't really know what to say to him, all his life he never believed in God or an afterlife. His mother was the only one in the family who did, before she died. "So...", he started, "God is real?" he finally mustered out. The angel nodded at his question, stating "yes, my lord is very much real." The boy looked ahead pondering everything from his life. "Go on", the angel said. "This time we have is for questions and answers." The boy quickly asked, "how is God real?!", "how could there be a God that lets so much pain and suffering into the world?". The angel took his time to answer, until he finally said "the same reasons why he let healing and love be in the world.. Your plane of existence, when you were alive, is one of the most extremes of any aspect of feelings, temptations, and choice."  The boy looked up at the angel, "so why does he let babies die!? and if they die before baptism, they go to hell!" The angel answered softly, "no boy, babies before baptism are not damned, they are, in a sense, reincarnated for the chance to live again, for a better that baby grows up to be a man or woman of good or evil, a baby could never understand those choices."  The boy was awestruck by this answer and slowed his pace on the stone road that never ends. "W-well", he stammered "what about all the people in the world that have never even heard of God?" "What happens to them when they pass on?" The angle stopped there casual walk to look out into the nothingness of never ending white. "I happen", he said proudly. "I talk to them, and tell them about My Lord and his plan. Well, what My Lord will let me reveal to them anyway." I'm a last chance for those who couldn't find my lord in the rubble lucifer has made." " but some still refuse to follow...". The angel turned back on to the road and started walking again. The boy had so many questions but couldn't think of the right ones to ask, and became flustered. "Any more questions you may want to ask, boy?" The angle asked knowing well that he did. The boy found a question the floated in his head, but was afraid to ask. "Angel... Where are you taking me?" He asked in a shaking voice. The angel was silent with what felt like an eternity. "I think you know where I lead you to, boy." The angel said sternly. "The life you took was not yours to take... My lord had so much planned for you." 
The boys heart dropped as he remembered back to the night before, how he emptied the entire bottle of sleeping pills into his mouth, to take his final sleep he thought he wouldn't wake up from. "We have arrived, boy." The angel said standing in front of a large door made of rotted wood. The boy backed away from the door. "No, angel please!", he cried out painfully. "I'm so sorry angel, I know I had every chance to follow!" "Please, change my path!" The angel was silent. He turned to the boy with streams of silver tears rolling out of his full white eyes, and opened the door. Immediate heat and the screams of millions poured out from the rotted door. The fear the boy felt would have killed him if he wasn't already dead. The door was sucking him in, the boy was once again unable to move. Snot and tears poured as he reached the door step. "Lord God, please have mercy!" He shouted as he fell into the dark abyss of blistering heat and deafening screams.

Those are the words he spoke again, and again...for eternity.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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