Chapter 8?

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I woke up before deadlox did and I woke up on top of him I blushed and quickly got off I remembered how sad Ty was when that stupid squid broke the only thing that gave him hope other than Adam poor Ty he must be suffering I can't stand to see him like this I kissed him on the forehead

" * mumbles* yes Adam," he said smiling I couldn't help but to kiss him a again and again until I reached his lips but then I seemed to have woken him my face was still close to his

When he opened his eyes he had the most beautiful light brown eyes that made my heart melt

" s-sky?" he looked around the room but when he saw that he wasn't in sight he cried I took him into my arms

" deadlox I'm...," befor I could say any thing else Ty lunged forward and kissed me my tough explored his mouth until he pulled away

" I-I'm so so sorry it's just it's been really lonely without Adam," he said sobbing

" I'm sorry Ty but I love y-" I stopped I felt a evil presents behind me and of corse it was lord squid holding up Tys phone in between bars and the red light was flashing and that mean it was recording

" I wonder how sky will react when he sees this," the squid said playfully

" YOU BUSTARD!!! " Ty yelled

" c'mon hasn't Ty went threw enough yet?"

" no,"

" my lord the one who is called sky is here!"


" yes sir,"

sky's P.O.V ( before finding Ty )

I sat at the pond Ty was fishing at there was a knocked over stalk of fish on the ground and signs of struggle within the dirts pattern

" dammit why couldn't I have figured this out earlier stupid me!" I said to my self and jumped into the water

I swam down until I was greeted with to steal doors they opened automatically like the kind at a store except they were bigger

" hello I reckon you're here for Tyler," A squid guard said

" yes," I said trying to hold back my anger for if one little mistake is made then Tys life could be at risk


Almost done I might make a truelox next \(//∇//)\

Ni night~~


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