03 | claim

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ALL AROUND ME, I could hear growls and screams faint in the background, but that was all drowned out by the pounding of my heart, so loud I swore I could almost hear it in my ears. To say that I was terrified would be an understatement, and I kept my mouth clamped shut as I looked up at him. Some people babbled in the face of danger. I, on the other hand, remained deathly silent.

Three full seconds ticked by before a flicker of uncertainty crossed his eyes, and then he swallowed roughly, falling a step back from the closet. It was just in time too, as another man entered the room, his brown hair sleeked back and eyes sharp.

"Alpha, we've got most of them cornered in the hall, but we couldn't – " He stopped when he saw me. "You found her?"

The other man didn't reply. He placed my knife beside me, along with an iPod with black earpieces.

"What're you – " the question was on the tip of my tongue but I trailed off in surprise when he shrugged out of his jacket in one swift move, placing it on my lap before I could even blink. His scent was earthy – that was the first thing I noticed, and I was so caught up in my confusion that I barely noticed him exchanging a quick glance with his friend before leaving the room altogether.

I stared at the brown-haired man when he took a step towards me.

"Luna," his voice was polite, and he inclined his head. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

I frowned, my fingers slowly but surely reaching for the knife. Just in case. I had deposited the fork somewhere and if I had a spoon, it'd be a full set – but, really, I was more concerned with picking the utensil that could keep me alive. "Are you here to kill me?"

His eyes widened. "What? No, I'm here to rescue you." He smiled and held out a hand. "Beta Adrian Massey at your service, Luna."

Tentatively, I took his hand. "It's Quinn actually." I froze when he held out his friend's jacket for me. "What're you doing?"

"Alpha's orders," he said, pulling the jacket up my arms.

I faltered. "The man earlier—he told you to do this?"

"Yes," Adrian returned calmly. Tugging the hood over my head, he reached for the iPod and stuffed the earpieces into my ears.

"But why?"

"To keep you safe. Come on, we have to get out here before they seal up the perimeter again." He smiled at my confusion, before tapping the play icon on the screen of the iPod. I couldn't help but wince at the sheer decibel of the music. "Music on," he said, just loud enough so that I could hear. He reached down to take my other hand and placed my palm over my eyes. "Eyes closed."

Uneasily, I kept my eyes shut as he led me out. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I did know that I had to leave this place.

My mind, however, was cataloguing every detail of my surroundings. He led me through what seemed like a narrow and never-ending hallway, before entering a place that somehow seemed dangerous, if the way he pulled me closer to his side or tightened his grip around my arm was any indication at all.

We managed to make it out unscathed. He removed my hand from my face and I opened my eyes, pulling off the earpieces. We were standing next to two black cars. The building that I'd been locked up in was a good way behind.

Adrian opened the door of the first car. "Get in."

I hesitated. A part of me was grateful for what Adrian and his friend had done for me, but another part of me feared them. You feared the shadows when you couldn't see the light. And when you hadn't seen the light for awhile, you feared everything. "I don't think this is a good idea – "

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