Zach Lavine

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Damn Daniel back at it again with the whi- I cut her off.

Shut up im trying to think. I yell at her
Sorry Zach. She apologizes

Its okay its just i've been stressed. I tell her

Zach do you wanna tell me whats wrong or...

Brit I don't want to worry you. I say a bit scared

Zach pls let me know baby. She tells me

Okay know I love you right?

Yes Zach you tell me nonstop everyday. She says shaking her head smiling.

Well pls don't be mad at me when i tell you okay?

Okay Zach just spit it out boi. She say getting aggravated.

Well when I was in Toronto after i won the slam dunk contest...I kissed another girl. I say scratching my head

Is that it? She says calmly

Why are you not mad? I asked confused

Because It was just one kiss right? She asks

Yeah just a peck on the lips. I tell her

Haha Zach the reason im not mad is because it was just a peck on the if you fucked her I would be pissed but I love you...also just dont do it again k? She tells me

Okay I love you Brittany Lasey.

And I love you Zachary Lavine

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