Chapter one

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   In most cases, Alexander really only got in trouble for trivial things. He usually got a slap on the wrist or threats to call down Principal Washington but it never evolved into something bigger.
    But,there he was, sitting in his English class with Mr.George at 4:15 in detention. Alexander could've been out of there at 3:30 if he had not talked back to the teacher but there was no way in Hell he was going to be bullied by Mr.George and be submissive about the whole ordeal. Every time he said something, the teacher would smirk and add 10 more minutes into his punishment.
    The classroom was extremely quiet, the only sounds were the slow page turning in Alexander's book and the clock that seemed to grow louder every slow second to the point where it penetrated his ears. Just as he was about to say something, Mr.George's phone lit up and loudly buzzed.
" Seems like your time is up Mr.Hamilton," he smiled and tapped the phone quickly to make the terrible noise cease, " I'll see you next week with all my homework done. "
   Alexander grabbed his bag quickly and rushed out of the Devil's lair in long strides. His cheeks became red as he ran down the stairs almost tripping on a abandoned text book.
   The outside matched his attitude at the moment; thundery, grim and dark.
Alexander sprinted over to the parking lot and towards the brown Tucson that he recognized. He opened the door and slung himself and his bag into the car to the surprise of his foster father, Principal or more known to Alex as Mr.Washington
   " Be careful,son. You might break the poor thing, " George sighed and placed down the book on the floorboard behind his feet.
   " The thing is damned old, I wouldn't be surprised, " Alexander muttered with a slight anger towards to ugly car salesman who had tricked George into buying this car. The thing had cost them more in repairs then a new nicer car with all the recent luxuries like heated seats and more then one working air vent.
   " Well, it's really all we have right now so try to keep from breaking it for a couple of years."
   Alexander just nodded defeatedly  and played with his hands until they finally got home.Waiting for them was John Laurens and the French transfer student known as Lafayette.
  The sight of John made his heart pound and face flush. John's tan skin and freckled face made Alexander almost swoon. The boy's smile was enough to stop wars. Alexander was in love..., but, he was straight? Right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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