So we all know about dinosaurs right? Well then the ducks came. The ducks came from the sap on the trees. The sap on the trees come from bird poop. Bird poop comes from Pterodactyl that's said " PU TERUDERCLTURTLE" if u didn't know. A Pterodactyl is a bird which poops out bird poop that comes from the sap on the trees that are ducks.Did you know if you feed a cow a Pterodactyl it will produce ducks if u milk it? ITS TRUE. Did you know if your feed a kitten tacos it will produce shit. ITS TRUE! Sorry I'm getting carried away back on to the ducks. So as you just learned ducks came from the sap on the trees which is bird poop which is a Pterodactyl. Well here's some non surprising news for you. THERES MORE!!!! Ducks may have came from Pterodactyls but that was in the past now they come from.....wait for it.............,..........almost there......................................THEY COME FROM HUMAN BODIES! I'm a four and I should know this because right after I came out of my father dead my mother had a duck! Ducks are the most interesting and inspiring and intense creatures that u will ever find with those little pee pees and the huge boobies and the yellow smooth duck hairs on there chins. Did you know that ducks eat pigs, cheetahs, llamas, kangaroos, potatoes specifically the human looking potatoes name Larry and they eat humans! I'm a cannibal, and El Chapo the duck is my bested friend! We eat people together of course with my pet pickle and pregnant llama! Anyways I've hoped you learned all u can about ducks and remember "reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye!"
-Bill Cypher
Also if u look up ducks all the information is a lie this is the real deal man!