Small Potato

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Define the word small potato.

Haha actually I dont really have the idea how we, I mean my colleagues and I came with the term small potato. It's just fit. It fits well to describe our role in the whole organisation.

We are the insignificant one. We are most likely the coolie, located at the lowest rank of the team, until sometimes I think we are positioned even lower than the cleaner at the hospital. Like others will treat cleaner better than us. Or maybe me literally. Feeling like trash is a must. Haha note the sarcasm.

Okey I think I wanna talk in my native language. It's so exhausting to write in English all the time. Even tho the purpose of me writing all these is to improve my English proficiency. But never mind. Just put that aside for a while. So let's talk in Manglish!

Yeah I'm a Malaysian. A proud one. eheh.

So let's the story begins. I dont wanna talk about how I ended up being a PRP. I might be "flashbacking" while I'm ranting on wattpad some other time. For today, I just wanna throw tantrum. Letting out my irritation that has been creeping me up this afternoon.

This week aku jaga DD. I thought I could lead a peaceful day, but I was wrong. So today, I need to send DD to wards. With the stupid shopping cart trolley that makes me looks like an idiot going around the hospital together with the loud annoying sound of the screeching wheels. Can you imagine that? Like the whole people will be staring at you whenever you walk pass over them. Usually, I hate this task. But today I feel like going around the whole hospital for several hours pun takpe asalkan tak balik semula ke in-patient.

Because of this humiliating event.

Ada 1 indent from ward. Nurse kata nak indent by patient. So I noticed that there's no indent form in the dd box. So I went and asked the PPF la. Let the PPF be X. So X suruh aku tengok kat nota nasihat tambahan since file wad tu dah siap screening. So aku pun belek2 nota nasihat yang baru sampai tu. Ohh, ada2. Okey petang nantilah aku buat, nak hantar dd ni dulu lah. Like I said just now I need to send the dd in the afternoon macam tu lah. 

So what I did is I just left the nota nasihat kat situ.  I mean takkan hilang ke mana pun kan if aku tak ambik bawak masuk ke bilik dd in the first place.

But then, unexpectedly, X came to me, dengan marah2.

"Awak tak tengok ke nota nasihat yang saya cakap tadi tu? Ni kan semua dd ni?Takkan tak tau kot."

I was like, errr. Ok aku nampak.

"A'ah. tau. Tapi yang tu saya nak buat petang nanti kot sebab nak hantar dd ni dulu."

"Ye la. Tapi kenapa tak ambik je terus? Ishhh dia ni. Bukannye first time jaga dd. Kalau first time tu takpe la. Takkan tu pun tak tau?"

  and then I heard the X's trailing voice. Entah membebel ape kutuk aku.

Dia datang lagi, bawak lagi a few nota nasihat.

"hahh ni ni semua ni kan dd ni. takkan tak cam kot."  

Suara dia, memang jangan cakaplah. Kuat nak mamp sampai aku rasa satu hospital pun boleh dengar tau. Dah la kat ipd tu susasana dia senyap je. Tak macam opd, bingit. Kalau kena marah pun takde la semua orang dengar. But, this, in the freaking quiet ipd! Like semua orang kat situ boleh dengar kot. I was like demmmmmm. Kau saje je kan nak malukan aku depan semua orang!! Cakap tu macam tak boleh pelan2 sikit kan. 

At that moment, nasib baik la aku masih kat dalam bilik dd. At least, cover sikit muka aku time tu. My God, I really tak paham dengan si X tu. I noticed from my first rotation lagi dia macam tak suke aku tau. Asyik nak cari salah aku je.

Like this one. What the bullshit is this? Being scolded just because a few pieces of paper? What the hell man? Macam la patient will die if I didn't take nota nasihat tu awal2. 

I really cannot accept this. Kena marah sebab benda tak munasabah. Kalau aku salah bagi ubat then fine la nak marah takpe. But this????? 

I dont know how to face X tomorrow. Demmmit still got a few weeks to mengadap muka dia.

God, lend me strength. 

Kenapa ek orang2 yang berpengalaman ni nak kerek semacam? Aku tau la kau lebih tau dari A to Z pasal benda2 kat situ. But then it doesn't mean like you can act all mighty and look down on people. Aku ni sebab ade rasa hormat je dalam diri aku ni. Kalau tak.....hmmmm...

So the conclusion of the story, a PRP is just a small potato. You can kick it or lenyek it every time you feel like to since we are the insignificant entity. Maybe more invisible than the dust itself. Or you can fry or boil it when you feel hungry.

Ohmyyy why do I feel like my perumpamaan is sooo on point? ROFL.

okey that is all I think for today's rant.

Hopefully tomorrow gonna be good for me. Huhuhu.


**pardon me for my harsh language. I dont really curse in real life but sometimes when I get too irritated I tend to curse unknowingly. >,<

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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