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It was starting to get late and Ellie was already drifting. We were waiting for Niall to come home, but once again he was away somewhere and it seemed like he was going to be there for a long time.

I picked Ellie up in my arms, careful not to wake her up. It was a failed attempt, though. She opened her beautiful blue eyes that she’d inherited from her dad.

„Mummy?“ she asked sleepily.

„Honey, I’m just taking you to bed, okay?“

„Is daddy home yet?“ she mumbled, rubbing her eyes and looking around in the empty room.

„No, darling. It’s still just us.“ I said quietly, my heart throbbing. She was growing up right in front of my eyes and he wasn’t even here to see it. It was really sad.

She sighed. „Okay.“

I hugged her closer and made my way upstairs, placing her in her bed and tucking her in.

„You sleep tight, yeah? Daddy will be here when you wake up.“

It was a promise I couldn’t keep, but it will help her sleep at night.

„You say that every time.“ She mumbled, before drifting off into a deep slumber. Into happier dreams, where she’ll be with her daddy. Hopefully. I couldn’t bare the thought of her having nightmares.

„Jerk.“ I muttered, as I made myself a cuppa and sat down on the sofa, flicking through channels but never actually focusing on anything.

I was about to go to bed when the door flung open and Niall walked in.

„Hiya babe.“

„Long night?“

„Yeah I was just recording with the lads.“ Niall said, kicking his shoes off and pulling me into a kiss.

„And recording also includes a few beers now?“ I raised my eyebrow, pulling away from him.

Niall sighed. „Don’t start.“

„Really?? Don’t start? Guess what time I got Ellie to bed? After she’d been expecting you to come home so she could show you the song she’s going to perfom tomorrow with some other kids? Guess how tired I got from answering her questions about what time you’ll be back or whether you were going to be there tomorrow?“

„Jesus Christ, Olivia. Would you calm down? I was really busy and had a couple of drinks after recording, is that really such a crime??“ Niall snapped.

„No! But you would have had at least a couple of minutes to grab your God damn phone and call Ellie to wish her a good night!?“

„What difference does it make??“ Niall yelled.

„It makes a hell of a difference, Niall! When I got pregnant, I quit college for her! I gave up my life to be there for that girl! And you pomised, Niall! You pomised that you were going to be there for me through it all! Raising a child is a massive responsibility! I’m not asking you to give up your life for her like I did! But I’m asking you to take a moment and see how much she’s growing up! How beautiful and precious she is! How funny and clever she is. She’s YOUR daughter, for crying out loud! I’ve put her to bed so many nights and telling her lies about how she’ll see you in the morning. You’ve given her so many empty pomises about places you’ll take her and things you two will do together!“ I said and made my way upstairs.

„Where are you going?!“ Niall called.

„TO BED! Where I should have been at least three hours ago!!“

Niall followed me up and turned me around. „Why are we always fighting?“ he asked.

„Because I’m so fucking tired! I need to make you see that this is serious! Your litte princess is growing up and you’re not here to see it! How does that make you feel, huh??“

Niall didn’t say anything.

I sighed, pulling the cover off the bed and getting in. „Good night, Niall!“

„Mummy?“ I heard Ellie’s sleepy voice right on our bedroom door. I looked up and she was standing there, holding her teddy bear, tears in her eyes. „Are you and daddy mad at eachother?“

„No honey, I’ll take you to bed.“ I said quietly, starting to get up.

„No, I’ll take her.“ Niall said, picking Ellie up carefully and heading to her room.

I couldn’t help and sneak up after them. I stopped right beside her bedroom door.

„How was your day?“ Niall asked quietly.

I listened to Ellie telling him about things that had happened in pre school and Niall chuckled softly at some of the things she was telling him.

„Daddy?“ Ellie said, sounding very sleepy now.

„Yes, love?“

„Will you be there tomorrow?“ she asked with a yawn.

„Yes honey. I pomise I’ll be there and I will not let you down. Do you hear me, Ellie? Daddy’s gonna be here all the time now.“ He told her.

I sighed and sneaked back to bed. I will not believe that until I see it with my own eyes.

I heard Niall singing a lullaby to her and a little later he was back in our room.



„I am so sorry.“ He said, getting into bed and pulling me against him. „I’m so sorry for leaving you two like that. I promise I’ll be here for you two from now on. You had every right to be mad at me and I know I’ve left you on your own with her. But that’s over now. I’m committed to this. She’s my responsibility too. She’s our daughter. I can’t lose any more time with her, because I’ll regret it when she’s grown up and doesn’t want to see me.“

„Good.“ I mumbled, before kissing his lips and falling asleep.

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