I wake up in a room that looks somewhat like a sell but with no bars . Only a dim light that every once and a while will flicker. I look around and I see a table ,well more or less of a table, I am sitting on a damp bench with a rag ged blanket. Then a chair. I fiddled with sleeve until the man who threw me out of the van appeared with a tray . I stood up backing up to the wall. He placed the tray on the desk then slammed the door. I look over the tray. There was rice, some weird mush, and a mug with a bout 2 inches of rusty water in it. I cringe at the smell. I eat the rice. It reminded me of my father when he would come home from the streets. My dad would beg for money then go broke buying drugs. He would come home cross for no reason. Sometimes cross with me. I took a sip of the water then climbed on the bench and tried to sleep .

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