석민의 새 생활 (seokmin's new life)

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The doors of the rooms of Apartment 17 opened one by one as Seokmin commenced his daily routine: being the alarm clock of his roommates. Soonyoung went to the kitchen to prepare toasting slices of bread and heat up the water for their morning coffee.

"Hyung, time to wake up," Seokmin shook Joshua's leg lightly, which was out while the rest of his body was covered by his blanket. The older male jerked slightly after the shake, opened his eyes slowly before lifting his head a little and looking around, and then dropping his head back onto his pillow after finally realising it was morning already. He began gently rubbing his eyes with the bottom of his palm and then placed it back down.

"Thanks, I'll be up."

With that response, Seokmin proceeded to the next room. He opened the door of Wonwoo's room and walked inside. On his bed, he spotted a book opened upside down. He lifted it and checked it out, finding out Wonwoo was less than a hundred pages away from finishing. 'I swear he only bought this yesterday afternoon,' the younger male thought as he grabbed the bookmark on his roommate's bedside table and placed it on the page the book was open at before closing it and placing it onto the table.

He then continued to wake him up, also shaking his leg slightly. Wonwoo moved a little, and then his eyes opened slowly, blinked rapidly a few times and moved from one side to the other along with his head, and then lastly landing his sight on Seokmin.

He raised his arm to his head, placed his hand on his forehead, and then moved his head back into its previous position as he clutches slightly onto his hair. He let out a deep sigh, "Yeah, I'll be up soon." He sounded so exhausted, and therefore Seokmin came up with the conclusion that he probably stayed up late to read... again.

"Five minutes, hyung," Seokmin told him as he made his way out of his room and then to the others. Two other roommates to go.

After opening the door to the third room, he didn't see Hansol at all. He was there, but, as always, was wrapped inside his comforter. Seokmin patted the top of his head instead of shaking him slightly, since it was still visible. The younger boy opened his eyes abruptly and looked up, "Ah, hyung, is it morning already?"

"Yes, so get out of your burrito," Seokmin replied.

Hansol only groaned before he rolled to the side of bed, releasing himself from his comforter. However, Hansol wasn't Hansol unless he rolls over too much and ends up falling off the bed, which was exactly what happened.

Seokmin only let out a little laugh. He knew something was going to happen and was used to it, but he had to admit, he always found it quite amusing. Without any other words, though, Seokmin continued to his last roommate: the big boss.

Out of all his friends, technically, Mingyu wasn't the actual big boss when it comes to waking them up (they all knew it was Jihoon, no doubt), but waking Mingyu can be a pain sometimes (more like always).

The guy can turn from this ultimate sexgod to this giant baby who needs to always be given tissues before he wipes his snot everywhere.

Seokmin entered Mingyu's room. He never understood how someone as unsanitary as Mingyu (okay, maybe it was a one-time thing, but what is true friendship without making your friends live their mistakes on, right?) can have such a neat-looking room.

He saw how Mingyu's feet were almost reaching the end of the bed, 'We're the same age, but why were you the only one blessed with the extra tall genes,' he thought as he approached the sleeping boy, 'then again, you hit your head everywhere so I'm good.'

Mingyu sleeps with a straight body, for some reason. His feet were together while he laid on his stomach and his whole body covered with the blanket, all the way over his head, so it looks quite stretched.

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