six: uh oh sad???

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(uh oh gotta zayn trigger warning transphobia and abuse. also this chapter kinda sucks.) 

steven had went home about an hour ago and they didn't finish their game of twenty questions. they just cuddled on max's twin sized mattress while the faint sound of a blink-182 record played in the background. so now, max was laying in a baggy sweatshirt and boxers without his binder on, letting his chest breathe with the same record playing quietly. he scrolled through an aesthetic blog on tumblr that some transgirl from the summer school named alexandria gaskarth ran. 

her tattoo was the molester moon emoji, and her datefriend jack's tattoo was "who the fuck do you think you are sending me that shit." they were cute.

"maxine!" max cringed as his father yelled his birthname up the stairs, "get down here!"

max shut his laptop and grabbed some mesh shorts off the ground, pulling them up his legs quickly and making his way down the stairs. as he was halfway down the stairs, he watched his parents arguing. "you're not supposed to be here, robert!" she growled at his father. neither of them had ever found their soulmate, but they were best friends growing up so they decided to have children together, but then things went sour and they separated on bad terms. 

"maxine, how's my girl?" robert smiled towards max as he reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"dad, we've been over this. my name is max. i'm your son, not your daughter. i'm a boy." he calmly said. he watched his dad's face drop and his teeth grit and his eyes flare. 

robert slammed his palm flat on the door, "no you're not, you're a girl, maxine."

"dad, leave!" lucille shouted from the other room. 

"you're a freak, maxine." 

"robert, leave right now, you're upsetting your son!" his mother yelled. robert began to approach max, who was trying to calm himself down and trying not to cry. he wouldn't let his dad see him cry. and then robert did the thing everyone was dreading.

he hit max.

he threw his hand against max's cheek, which caused him to lose his balance and fall against the banister. 

"robert! leave! right fucking now or i'm calling the fucking police!" his mother yelled at lucille went to make sure max was okay. 

robert pushed max's mother off of him as he made his way out of the house. "don't expect to see lucille or max this weekend, asshole!" 

"i don't know a max! i know a maxine!" he yelled back, kicking over a gnome that was resting on their porch just to aggravate his ex. his mother slammed the door shut and went over to lucille and max. max was sitting on the stairs, his hands in his hair, lucille sitting next to him and trying to calm him down. 

max quickly stood up, "i need to leave, i-i need to get out of here for a second. i-i'm sorry." he whispered, making his way into the kitchen and out the back door. he pulled out his phone and tapped on steven's contact. 

to: soulmate ❤️

i'm coming over i'll be there in five

from: soulmate ❤️

okay baby boy i'll be outside

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