There was a boy that like this one girl and she like him too but she love doing weed and she like to cut herself💔 because she was hartbork because she like this boy that tell he to get killed and no one would care and that she was fat and that he didn't like fucley girl😢. So that night she want to kill herself because no one care about her then she didn't kill herself be she did weed and cut herself . then one year later she found grant and he was a good kid and he really like her so he ask her out and she said yes and then her found out about her doing weed and cuting herself and he said if she didn't stop we are done but then he did weed to and cut himself:::::::::: to be continue
the girl who you think you know
ChickLitthere was a girl name Sam who like this one boy that was not a good guy and Sam was a good kind of girl. so one day the girl rain into him and she hart her feet. then the guy ask if she was ok but she coned not walk. then he went to the Dr with her...