Preparation & Confession

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She looked at the clock on her bedroom wall. '11:00'. How could she have forgotten about the almighty visit from her family? And how could have she stayed on the phone for almost two hours?

Nina's mother, father, and older brother were coming over to visit her. It was the week before Christmas. Since it would have been too much of a hassle for her to come up on Christmas day her mother figured they'd come to her. Slight panic was slowly reaching her.

With a groan Nina quickly got up out of her bed and went into the living room area of her apartment. No decorations, no festivity, Nothing of which her family would be expecting when they would arrive. All things she wasn't prepared for.

Oh yeah, she almost forgot. It was going to be first thing in the morning when they'd show. How wonderful.

That was when she really began to panic. Nina jogged back into her room to find something else to put on. The only thing within arms reach was that turtleneck dress she's had on earlier. Without thinking twice about it, she dressed herself in only that and her slippers. No under clothes. No time.

Nina speed walked into the living room to get her phone so that she could call Kareena. It wasn't even a question if she was going to be able to give her a ride or not. At a time like 9:35, Kareena was just getting her night started.

"Karen, I need a ride to KateAustin, pronto". KateAustin was a local party supply store she'd often get her decorations at. "Aren't you usually out cold at this hour?", she asked with a chuckle. That was true, but there was probably no chance at Nina going back to sleep now. She was wide awake and had business to take care of.

"Yeah, but it won't take long. I'll explain it in the car", Nina said grabbing her keys on the way out of the door. "Alright, I'm not far anyways", Kareena agreed which left her friend with some questions about her whereabouts. No time. No time for questioning.

Kareena took an awful long time coming, in Nina eyes at least. What seemed like hours was actually twenty five minutes. Nina was outside of her apartment in slippers and a dress just pacing back and forth. It didn't matter to her. It was nearly pitch black and nobodyy was going to care at this hour. Kareena finally drove in front of the complex Nina walked to the right side of the car and into the passenger side. With that, Kareena sped off.

"So the parents coming over again?". Kareena already knew that was it. This happens everytime they visit Nina and this time was no exeption. Nina only nodded to confirm it. She looked over at nine for a second. The first thing that caught her eye was her bare nipples poking out of her dress. "Aye, you cold or something?". Nina immediately looked down and covered her top half just after slapping kareena's shoulder.

The store was about the only one that was open at that hour and to the surprise of no-one it was packed with enough people to make her feel shy and over dressed. The people reminded Nina of the kind that she'd see at the mall she works at.

Walking through the doors and rushing to the holiday section, Kareena asked "okay so what's the budget?". "Thirty two dollars and sixty two cents", Nina replied back. Ready, go.

Kareena grabbed two boxes of dollar holiday lights and the fifty cent boxes of thumb tacks. Nina went for the forty-eight inch faux tree pre packaged with decorations, then jogged to go get some cookies that were shaped as hearts. Kareena noticed a box of garland and took only one, having an idea of how she was going to put the place together. It didn't seem like a good idea anymore to Nina that she put on what she did. Little children were so bold asking her questions about her sanity.

Surprisingly they got more for their budget. Spent almost two hours inside and were more than satisfied with what they purchased. That meant it was '1:41' and that meant that it was less than five hours until her family was going to show up. To Kareena, it was enough time to get her friend's house spruced up.

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