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"One- breakfast is at 7am sharp!

Two- backpacks and lunches need to be ready the night before.

Three- no food in the car. (Mom, this means you!)

Four- no going into other people's rooms without knocking and waiting for an answer.

Five- no walking around naked.

Six- minimal PDA! (Mom and Niall!)

Seven- lights out at 8:30 for Drew and 9 for Ellie. (11:30 for Mom)

Eight- teeth get brushed after every meal.

Nine- family dinner at 5:45.

Ten- family days on Sundays."

I stepped back after reading the list as it sat in its new spot on the fridge. Niall's arms were wrapped around me from behind.

"They're nice, aren't they?" He asked.

"Mm. Yeah. Thank you for doing that. I think they liked that."

"It was fun." He chuckled, "You think I'm doing okay?"

I loved that he was still nervous. I turned in his arms and met his gaze. "I think you're doing amazing, Niall. Just be yourself. That's all they want."

"Good. I got nervous there for a bit."

"You have no reason to be nervous. Let's get ready to go. They'll be down shortly."

"Well then I guess I better kiss you before they see us." He said raspy. He leaned down and lightly pecked my lips. "I love you."

"Mom! Ellie won't let me wear my soccer jersey!" Drew yelled.

"Drew, I told you to wear a polo!" I yelled back.

"I don't want to!"

"I don't care!"

Niall laughed as he slid on his converse. "Hot mum."

"Would you cut that out?" I tried swatting his arm but he moved out of the way.

"Nope. Like they said, it's pick on Mum day." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Gee, thanks." I slid on my Toms and yelled upstairs. "Kids! Let's go!"

"I'm not ready!" Drew yelled.

"You would be if you would keep your clothes on!" Ellie yelled back at him.

"You guys! Quit yellin and let's go!" Niall yelled from behind me.

I turned around and smirked.

"What?" He shrugged.

"Hot dad."

His face turned beet red and his face wrinkled up. "I just yelled at them, didn't I?"

I nodded. I tried to hide the fact that his "dad voice" was a huge turn on. "Like I said, hot dad." I winked and walked toward the door. "Kids! We're leaving right now! Let's go!"

I held the door open and both kids ran out with Niall right behind them. His face was still red. I patted his arm before he could walk away. "Hey, it's fine. If anything it got them moving faster."

"You sure?"

I nodded.


"Hey, Mom? Whose car are we taking?" Ellie asked as they stood in the driveway.

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