Everything Disney!

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Hello, fellow Wattpaders! This is my first time writing for this column, and I'm hoping it won't stink! Also, I'm sorry if this one is a bit boring. I really just want to make this article on how Disney all started. Let's get started!


Walt Disney was officially born on December 5th, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. He had four siblings; 3 brothers and one sister. Not to get off topic, but is it just me or did people have a lot of kids back then? I only have one sister, and I don't know a lot of people that have quite a few siblings. No? Just me then? Okay.

Walt was always interested in art. When he was younger, he would sell his drawings to neighbors, to earn some money. He must've been a really great drawer then, because if I went up to my neighbors and asked if they would buy a drawing a made, they would shut the door in my face. Not literal, but you get what I mean, right? I just mean, that they would most likely NOT buy something I had drawn. Plus, I must admit, I'm not the best at drawing...

So, as the years past by, when Walt was sixteen, he tried enrolling to be in the military service. Weird, right? I mean, If you grew up drawing, would you really sign up to be in the military? Personally, I wouldn't. Walt was rejected, because he was too young, so he joined the red cross, where he was sent to France, and would drive an ambulance around. Best part is, the ambulance was not normal. On the outside, Walt had decorated it with Disney cartoons! Finally, his power was used for good!

When Walt returned from France, he started a career in commercial art. There he started a small company named Laugh-O-Grams, that eventually became bankrupt. Determined, Walt moved to Hollywood, where he would become a star! C'mon guys, you got to give him some credit for his persistence!

Apparently, Walt's cartoon Alice Comedies became a huge success, and that's when he started to get noticed. On July 13, 1925, Walt married Lillian Bounds, who was one of his first employees, (You can now say 'Aw!') and they had two girls, Diane and Sharon.

Eventually, Walt started to become well known, and created the first Disney movie with a Disney princess in it, which was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Not one of my favorite movies... I still have nightmares about it! Hey, don't judge me! Walt started to create other classics, such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi.

In 1995, everyone's dreams came true (and more!), when Disneyland Park first opened in California! Yippee!

Walt Disney was unlike any other man, and will always be a great one. His imagination and creations will live in our hearts for centuries!


Are you asleep? If you aren't, then congrats! You have just finished one of the most boring articles I will ever post! Trust me, this will be the longest and most boring one you will ever read. Although, I am hoping I made it a little more upbeat with my own comments! Anyways, there shall be more articles in the future! Ciao!

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