Me and My Friend

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       Not edited                                                                                          It was 4:00 in the morning. Since I couldn't sleep I went ahead and got up. I Hate school. I let my long brown curly hair flow past my back, I needed a cut. I went to brush my teeth when I finished I got a granola bar. Don't judge me it was the only breakfast I had left. I went and watched tv. When I was finished I got dressed and put my hair into a bun. I grabbed my pink backpack and ran out of the door. Crap I was late. My friend Anna was already at the bus stop and waved like she hadn't seen me in a year.
"HEY! Sophie! Where were you, your late!"
" I know I got carried away with the.. uh foster episode." I said weirdly.
I watched as she quickly put her short black hair into a pony tail. She was an inch shorter than me.
" So, what are you doing this weekend" Anna yelled
Well to me.
Quick I thought I have to make a lie I definitely don't want her over this week I was meeting my friend Nick and, I most basically saw her every day.
" Um I'm going to..." I trailed off still thinking
She looked at me confused," Your going to what??"
"oh sorry I'm going to the movies with family." I said still thinking then added quickly
" My mom said no one else can come though" I tried to look sad.
She looked at her shoes I could tell that she was upset.
I loved her .not like that. I mean what was I supposed to tell her the truth. Oh hey sorry you can't come because I'm going to suck someone's blood with the love of my life?
" well maybe next week?" I whispered trying to hid my face that was telling the truth.
" Uh, sure" Anna said with a jump in her voice.

Ch. 2 Mr.nutjob
She didn't believe my story. But she ignored it, I was thanking the heavens.
The bus finally came as I got on Michelle gave me the I'm going to go out for blood wanna come with?
I gave her the no I'm going Saturday. Sorry not sorry look.
She rolled her eyes at me and started talking to Mekinze. I walked all the way to the back and sighed.
Another long school day with NO blood thanks world. When we finally got to school I went to the bathroom to put some makeup on. Since I was in high school I had to look efficient. Well that's what Anna always said. She walked in .
" Well come on we will be late!"
" well sorry, I girly girl does her best to fulfill that name" I laughed nervously to look like I enjoyed being around her. On of these days I will suck her dry.
As if reading my mind Anna said, " Now don't be a vampire and try to suck me into another drama thing"
I laughed like a normal human would.. or tried.
Anna looked at me weirdly.
What like how I'm a supposed to know how humans acted?!
As we walked to my first class.. history. Even worse we had the worse fill in ever.. Mr. Nutjob
Well that's what we teens called him. He was the most grumpy guy you would meet.
McKenzie whispered to me" Looks like your in for a bumpy ride. He most basically wishes you were dead."
" Ya, well I am. I wonder why such a human hates me?" I whispered back.
"Miss. Sophie would you like to tell the class your report that the teacher said was due?" Nutjob asked with a wicked smile he knew my weak spots
Crap! I thought I didn't even start it.
" Um.. it's to confusing for most of the class."
Everyone starting cracking up.
"Shut it!" Nutjob yelled.then told me, " Well then we have more off a challenge."
I got up and slowly went to the front of the class people started laughing but when nutjob gave us a  glare they suddenly stop. Anna gave me a thumbs up and a look that said sure you will be made fun and wish you were dead but good luck!
I cleared my voice “ today class we will be learning how NOT to be a nutjob." I said in the most sarcastic tone of an old man I could . The whole class burster out laughing. Well done I thought.
But my fame ended shortly after.
“ Well Sophie, how about making a laughing audience..IN AFTER SCHOOL DENTION?!" Nutjub yelled.
I walked slowly to my seat grumbling ,“  Great just what I needed, I already am grounded and have a right up."
Mr. Nutjob seeming to over hear me smiled and got out the form.
“ Well you tried, and it worked, you sure made him mad." Anna cheerfully chirped. Great and I have someone trying to make me feel better? Finally the end of the day came and I had a feeling of wanting blood. Something tells me Mr.nutjob won't be “ showing" tomorrow. I gave McKenzie the wanna help me kill Mr.nutjob? Look. She of course said a definite “YES!"
Ch 3 the fight and death of the human.
“ yes what..?", Anna broke in which a suspensions rising on her face.
“ Uh... nothing." I yelped.
“ what she means is she wanted to know if I wanted to..." McKenzie trailed off.
“ Oh. I see! YOU said I couldn't come because SHE was invited instead of  me!!?"yelled Anna.
“ NO, it's not like that. She said yes to the uh.. sleep over next week...." I tried my best to cover up the lie.
“ Whatever! It's not like I care about you brats anyways!" Anna screamed.
McKenzie whispered,“Can I kill her now? PLEASE?"
“ No. I still like her. Plus we need her for the plan to work out." I said under my breath.
Anna had ran off to the busses. Great another longgg after noon.
“ Well we could always use a stupid girl next time." I said. Yep I was giving in..
“ So yes I can kill her?"
I thought for I moment. Well I never really liked her and I said I would kill her one of these days.
“ Yes.." I said simply I tinny bit sad.
“ it's not like y'all were really friends anyways." She smiled wickedly.
That just mad me want to show my fangs and hiss at her!
My mom pulled into the parking lot and honked, “ Come On Sophie! Well be late to your little sis's recital!"
“ haha! You have to go to a recital? That sounds like FUN!". McKenzie yelped.
I gave her I hiss. Some of the kids around me looked at me weirdly.
Oh ya ops. Oh well guess I'll have to kill them to.
Sophie" McKenzie hissed under her breath.
“ Um... free buffet?" I asked awkwardly.
McKenzie rolled her eyes and went to her bus.
Anna's pov
I was having a wonderful walk when out of now where McKenzie fell right in front of me.
“ Uhh.... how did you do that."
“ Ohhhhhh.. you know just a little flying, I saw you and said hmm let kill her"  McKenzie hissed with her white fangs, and red glaring eyes.
I slowly stepped back “ Y-you can't b-be real!?" I stammered with fear all over my face.
“ This will be FUN." McKenzie hissed.
All the sudden she was on top of me and then everything went black....
Sophie's pov. The recital
As we drove in my mom's old Honda suv. Car.. it was rusting and needed a paint job badly.
As we drove into the parking lot of the old elementary school, my sister calla went on and on about her recital.
“ omg! Your going to love it Sophie, and guess what!?" She screamed.
What? " I seethed through my teeth. Mom gave me me a glare of disappointment.
If only she new, then I wouldn't earn a glare every five minutes.
“ IM GOING TO BE A VAMPIRE!!!" Calla screamed. Which snapped me out of me thoughts.
GREAT!!" In my most sarcastic voice I could. I earned another glare. Ya two pints for me.
I went over our plan,get a stupid girl first, then get them together with Tony ,our enemy,
Make the high school cool girl, also known as faby, and make her jealous. That's all we had so far. I know but we had some difficulties.
The truth?
“SOPHIE!!" Mom screamed...loudly.
“ Oh s-sorry what?" I stammered. Seeing that a lot off people where looking at me.
“ y-your eyes-s" calla stammered. She never did that unless she was scared.
Quick think fast um.. contacts? Ya that's it .
I got...." I trailed off.
“ you got what?" my mother asked.
“ contacts, ya I got contacts!" I yelled. Whoops there goes another stupid lie.
Mom gave me an unsure look.
“ you know what I think your going to be late calla, you should go to the back stage." I explained trying to get her away.
“ spit it out...NOW!" Mom yelled
“ spit what out?" I looked like a begging puppy.
Mom dragged me to the bathroom.
“ why where your eyes normal then red then Normal again??!" She whispered so know one could here.
Was I going to tell her the truth the blood sucking immortal truth.?
Well that's all I have so far plz comment and give ideas
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“ Well mom it's special contact that lets you change your eye color when ever you want." I lied. Best lie ever I thought. Mom gave me an unsure look.
“ it's like a  mood eyes things." I unsurely whispered back.
“ mom where going to be late, come on let's go get our seats." I said dragging her along.
“ fine but we are no done yet, we will finish this at home."
“ ok fine." GREAT now what do I do?.

me and my friend Where stories live. Discover now