Chapter Sixteen: The Rogue

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Samantha's p.o.v

I went back, back to the cemetery. Why? To get more clues, any little thing that can lead me to another. So far, I've found noting. The only thing I've found was his parents grave, but that didn't give out anything. I looked at the other graves, but noting came up. They all died the same day. I've been coming back for three days now and all for nothing. I can't help, but feel a bit disappointed. No matter how hard I try I can't find any clues here. I can't and won't give up till I get my answers.

Is it too much to ask that I want to more about him? I want to know what he likes, dislikes, his fears, just something. He has told me stories of his past, but none of them get me anywhere. He hides what's most important making it harder for me to figure him out. I see when his mood changes from happy to distant or sad. I want to help him, like he is heping me, but I can't if he won't tell me what has happened. By the look on his face something terrorizes him, something that happened, what Colin has told me about, but what is it.

I look at the engraved stone and sigh, will he ever tell me on his own accord or will I have to ask him so he can give me answers? I think back to when Colin and I were talking, and he said Blake knows how I feel. I still don't understand what he meant by that, was it that we both lost our parents? No, no, no. That would mean that also Colin did, since they're brothers. If it's not that then what is it?

I've been standing here long enough and I think I should head back before someone thinks something is up. I turn around and start to walk away with questions running through my mind.

I was so lost in thought that I almost didn't hear the snap of a branch. I instantly turn around and froze at the spot. A rouge. It was covered in brown fur, patches of fur missing and dirt covering most of its body. He stood in place not moving or growling, just watching me.

Fear consumed me, all I could do was stare back at it. What is it planning to do. My wolf screaming telling me to move, run, to just do something, but it was as if I was glued to the ground. I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs, but at this moment I had lost my voice. I thought the ground was moving, but it was just me who was shaking.

Realizing it wasn't just me who is in danger but also the pups I put both my hand protectively around my belly. The rouge followed my movements and his eyes landed on my stomach. Its eyes flickering back and forth between my eyes and stomach. I growl out, probably sounding like a new born pup, but I had to protect them at all cost.

"Rouge" I yell out through mindlink, hoping someone will come to help me.


"Where are you"

"By where"

"Where is it at," unfamiliar voices said through my head.

"Samantha, where are you" I recognize his voice, Blake.

"At the cemetery" my eyes locked with the rogue's eyes, he hasn't moved from where he was at.

"We will be there in a few, please try to stay safe and don't do anything that will trigger the rouge" he sounded calm, I was anything but.

I look back at the rouge, its ears perked up and as if sensing someone coming, it gave me a glance before running off the opposite direction. I look at it as it zoomed out of sight.

A few minutes later I hear the pounding of paws hitting the floor as they got closer. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn around to see Blake standing, fully dressed. He must be a fast changer.

"Where is it at," he asks a bit harshly. I flinch back a bit at his tone, but I know that he is like this 'cause of the situation.

" ran off" I stammered over my words. I was still in shock, why didn't it do anything?

Blake lets out a frustrated sigh and runs a hand through his hair. Turning around he faces his members "You two" he points at the two grey wolves "run to the borders and if you see it capture it, take the tracker with you". The two wolves nod their head and ran off. "The rest of you look for any more rouges, if any take them to the dungeon, make sure to have patrols around the borders" the other wolves also nodded their head and ran off.

Blake turns and faces me "did the rouge do anything to you," he asks looking around for any bruises or marks on me.

"No, it was just looking at me," I say more like a question than a statement. I'm just confused, why would a rouge just stand there and stare at me?

"It was just looking at you" he repeats what I said.

"Yeah" I drag the word. He looked confused, but I can also see the anger in his eyes. He is trying to stay calm, but his fist is clenched to his side and a grim on his face.

"Let's get you back inside" he put a hand at my lower back and guided me back the other way.

The way back was quiet, too quiet. The tension in the air was thick. He didn't question why I was at the cemetery or didn't say anything at all. The rouge has both of us thinking. I don't know what he is thinking of, but by the look of his face, it's nothing good.

"Fuck" he cursed under his breath.

"What" I look at him confused.

"The rouge escaped"

Unknown p.o.v

The door to my door bursts open, Ben coming in. "Ever heard of knocking" I growled.

"Sorry sir, I just got some news that might interest you" he seems out of breath.

"Well, what are you waiting for say it" my patience running low, stupid boy.

"One of my men went onto the territory the girl is at, and by the looks of it, she's pregnant" he smiled like he won a trophy if only he knew his fate after I'm done with him.

"Interesting, very interesting indeed, keep a closer eye on her, inform me if anything else comes up".

"Yes, sir" with that he left.
Could my plan go anymore perfect?

I already have others working on my side, in time everything will fall into place. Better watch out cause I'm coming and no one will stop me.

The traitor is already gone, now I have to get rid of those bastards, but what's revenge without pain? They won't see it coming. Everything is just too easy.


Any good name for the unknown? It's a male. About the early '40s.

Any ship names for Blake and Samantha or Jake and Samantha?

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Love you all

Till next time bye:))

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