Chapter 3 "Mischievous Masquerade"

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         Today was the day of the Masquerade Ball, I remember that I had to call the Carriage rental place. I got the Midnight Victorian Carriage, which is black with burgundy trimming. I packed my costume in a box and put up my shade, it was no longer the snowy landcape I have seen every morning for the past couple of months. It was now filled with greenery and sunshine, as if all the snow melted last night. Cherry blossoms bloomed, and so did roses. I looked to Ella in admiration as I went to my closet to find my coat that was a striking blue with a bird design on the side. I wore it around my waist, I always did that with my coats, to me it's like a tool belt and a fashion statement. I still had to wear my uniform but beside that it was spring and I felt better and excited for the masquerade ball. Maybe things are turning a page for me, I don't know but I thank for whomever invited my friends and I. I drank my tea, and said bye to my mom and started to walk outside. I wonder could this really be a dream?? am I asleep dreaming all of this? I went outside and flower petal's swirled all around the sidewalk. I could just imagine music being placed into the scene, violins to describe the wind, flutes to describe the flower petal's, Piano to describe each step that I take closer to school. I twirled, feeling the wind in my hair and the music continuing to play throughout my promenade. I didn't feel scared or paranoid, it was a jubilant morning which rarely happens to me anymore. I just felt like bursting into song like a musical, being put on stage. With each step I take it boosts my confidence for the better. I stopped dancing by the time I came to the school, I felt prepared for whatever was coming to me, For once I felt like I can be myself. I started to head to the back of the school to meet up with my friends, my phone vibrated as I look to see Aliyana is texting me.

" Hey did you call the Carriage Place??" I smiled and replied with "Yes, everything is planned" as I continue down the path.

"Good, I can't wait for the party " she put a smile emoji. I really hope today is going to go fast.

As I went to the eighth grade part of the school, I noticed someone new. he wasn't from here I can definitely tell, or I most likely never saw or met him so I can't assume if he is new. He had a sort of short longish hair and wore a beanie. He also had pale skin like snow almost. and eyes a deep blue. I didn't want to just stare at him and cause an awkward silence, so I approached him.

"Umm,......Hi" I said in a shy tone, I'm always shy when meeting someone new or anyone for that matter. " Hello" he waved at me, he had a thick and clear british accent.

"I'm Julian, Julian Tudor" I said almost in a whisper. "I'm Kyle, I am a transfer student from London, Nice to meet you, You seem very reticient and distraught, are you alright?" I blushed lightly in embarrasment.

"I'm...not exactly a social butterfly, I'm known to be highly cautious since my past" I said a little louder then before. "Oh, well you don't have to worry, I think we will the best of companions, Cheers" the bell rang as I felt some strange energy of some sort. it was discomforting.

I scurried to the door as kyle smiled at me, it was a mix of an eerie look but also jubilant I was getting so perplexed it sent chills down my back but I can't judge things by appearance. I walked to my science class, today we had a subsitiute but I suppose everything was fine, everyone was doing there own thing there was just one person pestering the sub. I saw Kyle walk into my class.

"Are you the new student??" the sub asked as he replied. "Yes I believe this is the first class I go to" he smiled as the sub just had to place him right next to me, its weird how coincidental this day is.

I guess he must be a bit clingy, but I don't blame him he moved all the way across the ocean with no friends. I understand his situation.

"Hey, I didn't know we'd be in the same class" he chuckled I smiled. "I didn't know either" I said with my eyes looking like porcelain doll eyes." Thank you for talking to me most of the other students just walked away not even bothering to say hi" I felt guilty now, but I will admit the discomfort or weird feeling I felt was going away as he told me his story.

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