Chapter 3

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I sit at a nearly empty lunch table with Melissa and her other friend Tori. Melissa had invited me to eat lunch with her yesterday and now I sit at a slightly clouded lunch table munching on some food I brought from home. "So we don't have any classes together?" Tori complains to me. "I guess not" I say. "Bummer," she says dropping her shoulders and looking off to the side with a annoyed expression. There was a brief moment of silence before Melissa shouted out "so how are you liking it at Timberwoods so far?" Jumping at her burst of enthusiasm I  answered her question, "yeah it's good, I like it."

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Tori says perking up. I think back a moment to the guys in all my classes. "Nope. There are like no cute guys at this school." That is a lie. There are a few cute guys but I don't have a 'crush' on any of them. Though, I decided not to bring them up. "Ugh tell me about it," Melissa groans slumping her head on her fist. pushing her cheek up.

"Well I think there are a couple cuties here," says Tori as if she is thinking of them right now. "You just, gotta get to know them!" Melissa looks over at Tori with a small smirk still resting her head on her hand, "yeah like Luke Bucklson." She teases. "Hey!" Tori barks pouncing Melissa in the arm. "Ouch! Okay I'm sorry!" She crys.

Melissa adjusts her perfect blond hair. It looks silly to the touch and goes down to her shoulders in waves. I can't help but notice how well her lime green eyes complement that. Tory on the other hand didn't look anything like Melissa. She had walnut colored hair with a purple stripe going down to the tips. Her long evenly grown hair was neatly trapped in a pony tale coming out of the center of her head. Her eyes were the perfect shade of brown and it complemented her pale skin well.

The bell rings preventing us from having any further conversations so we say our goodbyes and head to separate classes. About an hour later me and Melissa meet up in front of the GYM. "are we doing anything special in PE today?" I ask dryly. "No, I doubt it. Probably just more rules and stuff." Melissa answers. Sure enough that's what we got.

Ms Telia separated the boys and the girls. The boys went with the male teachers and the other classes and the girls went with Ms Telia and a few other female teachers.

We had to sit on the butt aching ground while we listened to the teachers list such things about the PE uniform, the locker rooms, keeping the field clean and pretty much what you'd expect them to say.

The teachers also mentioned how some classes will have to do the swimming unit in the spring time and that we have to have a signed slip from our parents giving permission to sit out if we are on our period. Luckily for me I haven't started bleeding out of my vagina yet, so I won't have to worry about that. The doctor says it shouldn't happen till I'm in the 8th grade.

Finally we were allowed back in the gym. Tomorrow I'll get my PE locker, or in some others case they will be reunited with their locker from last year.

The bell rings and school is out. After I go to my locker, Melissa comes out of no where and explains "oh my gosh Bella! We forgot to exchange phone numbers!" I smile at the fact she was able to find me in this maze of a school. I pull my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans. "What's your digits?" I say getting ready to create the new contact.

Once we have both turned off our phones Melissa blows a kiss and says something in French before skipping down the hallway. I close my locker and make my way back to my home.


I survived my first week of 7th grade! Now it's Monday and the teachers are separating from the beginning of the year routine and starting to actually teach us things.

In social studies we have started our unit on Ancient Rome and in language arts we are learning about poetry. Math so far is just a bounce of review stuff and PE we are going to be starting pickle ball. I'm not exactly sure what that is but I heard its kind of like tennis and ping pong had a baby.

"Okay guys we're starting our pickle ball unit today," Ms Telia starts off 6th period by saying. I can't help but let out a little giggle at the funny name. "I'm going to go over the rules for this unit tomorrow so today we are just going to practice hitting the balls with our paddles."

Ms Telia turns to the shopping cart full of equipment behind her and pulls out a wooden paddle and a yellow plastic ball. She pulls on a string that dangles from the end of the paddles handle.
"Your always gunna but the string around your wrist so it prevents the paddle from flying into someone's head," gosh does she always sound this board?

Ms Telia shows us how to hold and swing the paddle then she tells us we will work in groups of two. Since we are allowed to choose our own partners I immediately look over at Melissa only to find she is looking at me signifying that yes, we are going to be partners.

Ms Telia exuded the class to get the paddles and ball. Two paddles and one ball per pair I make a mental note as I reach into the nearly empty shopping cart to grab two of the remaining paddles and an orange ball.

Though I notice the ball has a dent in it so I throw it back k into the cart and fish out another one. The plastic ball has holes running along overt inch. I stick my fingers in a few of them as I make my way of to Melissa.

I hand her the paddle and she slips the string around her wrist just like Ms Telia had demonstrated. I do the same but not before lightly running my fingers along the splintery wood. "Ouch," I mumble as one pricks my finger.

"So are you ready to do this?" Melissa shouts. Her pony tail swings side to side as she jumps up and down on her feet. "Yeah," the blazing sun is shining right into my eyes. "Bella hit the ball!" Melissa calls out.

I toss up the little orange spear and try to hit it with my paddle. I miss. The ball rolls over by some girls foot. She picks up the ball and tosses it to me. I try to catch it but the ball bounces out of my hands and makes its way near Melissa. She approaches the ball and bend down to pick it up. She then quickly stands up and gracefully throws the ball into the air swinging her paddle and hitting it on her first try. The ball rockets all the way to the other side of the court.

"Woah did you see that?" She screams. "That was amazing!" I laugh. "That went so far!" She screams again. "Have you played this game before?" I ask Melissa assuming the answer was yes. "No, actually. But my mom has been sending me for tennis lessons since I was 5 years old so I suppose that had something to do with it." She shrugs like it was nothing. Then we both walk to the other side of the court to find the ball.

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