'and November had turned my totally hair barbie into a Tibetan monk. out of the blue November said, 'hey look, there's Charlotte and the others,' as though it was something surprising, which it wasn't because they were sitting where they always sat - on the seats just behind the basketball court backboard. So we headed over to them and November started chatting away, ' what have u guys been doing '?, ' how did u go in that maths test'?, her bag just casually slipped off her shoulder onto the ground, November kept talking as though she hadn't noticed, ' what are u picking for spot'?, ' ice - skating'? really?, November was talking and talking , and she bent down a little bit so she could hear what they were saying, and before too long they'd all shimmied up a little bit so she could sit down. I was lift standing at the edge of the court by myself, with my bag on my back, looking like a chump. November didn't even notice, she was too busy yakking it up about boy selections. next day at lunch, no perimeter preliminaries this time - after we'd been to the canteen, November marched straight down under the covered walkway to Charlotte and the others, dropped her bag on top of the pile, and plonked down, I wasn't going to stand at the edge of the court AGAIN. but there was no room for me on the bench either. I ended up sitting cross - legged on the ground next to November as if I were her pet dog or something, So humiliating. 

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