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just so yall know that when the person in the right side is talking it's their pov

phil🌙: dan?

phil🌙: dan, im sorry

phil🌙: louise told me about your condition and i feel like a prick...

dan: wait she told you what?

dan: she wasn't supposed to do that im

phil🌙: it was in a private chat not the group so not everyone knows

dan: she and my family were the only ones who knew

dan: now you

dan: fckig hell

phil🌙: why didn't you just tell me you had asperges disease ?

dan: because that doesn't define me as a fucking person, does it?

phil🌙: louise also said you had attention deficit disorder too. The two combined had their own symptoms separately but the joint one is terrible mood swings; from hyper & happy to quiet, angry, & unsocial.

dan: fuck off.

phil🌙: it won't make me think of you as less of a person

dan: but someone already has! He left because I told him! I can't relive that, even if you're an Internet asswipe who I've known for a week and not him.

phil🌙: im not him, am i?

dan: fuck

dan: yeah it's true i do

phil🌙: see im still here

dan: phil?

phil🌙: mm?

dan: im having flashbacks and
on the brink of a mental breakdown

dan: my family's out and i don't trust anyone else

dan: can you skype me?

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