Ep 2 - Teach Me - feat. Dinah & Ally

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WARNING: Explicit


Lauren's POV

"So, how'd your first day go?"

At the sound of her voice, I set down the book I was leafing through, and turn.

Normani smiles at me when my eyes catches hers, and she slides herself on top of the table, beside the chair I'm sitting on.

I avert my gaze quickly, realizing that she's not wearing anything under her robe, and I cough nervously, before answering, "Um, it was...interesting?"

She laughs at my reaction, and crosses her legs, exposing her skin, almost to the top of her thighs. "Have you ever done this type of work before?"

I shake my head quickly, deciding to look to the floor instead, when I answer, "No, not really... Honestly, I never really thought I'd, um, end up, uh, being... Y'know--"

"An adult film star?" she offers, with a smirk.

I look up and nod with embarassment.

Normani just shrugs, replying, "Hey, to each their own, right?"

I nod again, slowly, trying to think up a different topic of conversation, when silence settles between us.

I'm about to bring something trivial up, like the weather, or something of the like, when the door to the small library we're sitting in, slams open.

Camila strides in, pushing her sunglasses up over her head, holding a large bag in one hand.

"Director on set!" she yells, with a huge grin.

I hear some shuffling, and both Dinah and Ally come walking up, from behind one of the bookstacks.

They all congregate around the table Normani and I are at, and Ally's the first to speak up.

"Oooh, did you get our props, Mila?"

Camila flashes her a thumbs up, and throws the bag she's holding over at Ally, saying, "Yup, it's all in there--"

She then glances at her watch, and says, "Shit, we should get started, we only have this place for another three hours."

Everyone else nods in agreement, so I stand up, and start collecting my things.

"Hey, rookie, where do you think you're going?" Dinah asks.

"Um...leaving? Camila said--"

"What?" Dinah interrupts, continuing, "...and miss the pros at work?"

She crooks an eyebrow at me, adding, "I don't think so. Sit your ass down, and take notes."

My mouth sorta hangs open, and I realize that I'm the only one who seems surprised.
Sooo, they must do this all the time then?
Stay, and watch each other's shoots?

I suddenly feel Normani's hand on my shoulder, and she gently pushes me back down to my seat.

Alright then.

With that settled, both Dinah and Ally ruffle through their props bag, and Camila starts setting up the cameras and the lighting.

Once everything's ready to go, Camila stands behind the camera, and does one last survey of the set, then announces, "Alright, quiet on the set! Rolling in 5... 4... 3... 2..."


Dinah's POV

I know I've re-read this question a million times, but I'm finding it a bit hard to concentrate.

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