Days with my grandad

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Today was a sunny day. It was when me and my grandad went out. We went on holiday to a place called Cyprus. I was melting. Of course my mum, dad, sisters, and the rest of my family went. It was called a family holiday, that's what we called it anyway.  That's my grandad. It was my grandads idea. My grandad was like the richest grandad on the planet. His name was Charlie. I always call him the cool grandad on the super planet. I'm weird I know. Anyway.

Today was the day we catch the plane to Cyprus. Charlie booked us all a hotel in Cyprus. Charlie shared a hotel with us because my dad had to look after him because he was kind of a bit to old. My grandad made my world shine. 😘😘

" grandad would you like something to eat? I don't mind getting you something " I said politely.
" ooh no thank you darling, I'm or right thanks. Thanks for the other though. " my grandad said.
Charlie shouted me in as I was getting something to eat for myself.
" Shannon, Shannon, Shannon, I've got something for
you. "  he shouted as loud as he could, which wasn't that loud.
" coming, coming, coming. "  so I shouted back as loud as I could.
I walked out of the kitchen into the living room where he was just sitting.
" here, what do you want grandad x " in a nice voice.
He put his hand in his pocket and grabbed something out.
" here, I was meant to give you this 2 years ago, but I must of  forgot. "
" omg, it's gorg or should I say #gorg. "
And then he gave me £20 as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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