Chapter 8: A Beach Day

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The next day (Y/N) woke up to a rather surprising sight as it nearly startled her. "SURPRISE!! HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY!!!" Everyone yelled as (Y/N) almost fell out of bed but she got to her feet by rolling out and standing up as she got in a stance ready to fight. "Huh?" She said as she looked at the edge of her bed and Mabel,Dipper,Stan,Soos,Ford,Will, and Bill all stood at the edge of it while Dipper and Mabel held a nice looking cake in their hands as they stood on the sides of it, as Ford and Stan held up a paper sign from both sides that read 'Happy 24th Birthday.' "Um wait it's not August it? Wait I'd be 25 then, so it's not my-" (Y/N) said as Ford nicely interrupted her. "It's not but you've been gone for 4 years thus you missed 4 birthdays, So we decided to have a birthday extravaganza for all the years you missed your own birthday. It was all Dipper,Mabel, and Bills idea." Ford said as Bill seductively smirked while Dipper and Mabel smiled. "Oh-g-guys you didn't have to." (Y/N) said as she smiled at them. "Well we wanted to because we love you (Y/N) mean a lot to us. Even though we only knew you for just one summer well it didn't take that long to start loving you but you gave us the best summer, even though there was some heartache we never stopped thinking about you and we never though of you as selfish your a great person (Y/N)!" Mabel said as everyone in sync moved their heads in together except Will since Bill used his hand to to push his head back. "WE LOVE YOU (Y/N)!!!!!" Everyone in sync shouted as they smiled and Stan and Bill shot mini confetti guns as confetti fired on everyone and the floor of (Y/N)'s room. She stared at them as they held their smiles, (Y/N)'s eyes then began to slightly wallow up in tears as she smiled and slightly cried as small tears escaped her eyes. Everyone gave her a questionable look before she gently grabbed the cake and set it on the bed as she blew out the candles then glopped everyone in a group hug as they all hugged (Y/N) except Will since Bill still held him out. "Thanks guys your the best family a girl like me could ever have." (Y/N) said as her arms around all of them became tighter. "Oh hey since we're celebrating the birthdays I missed, what better way to celebrate it by taking a trip to the beach!!!" (Y/N) yelled as everyone looked at her with huge smiles on their faces. "BEACH PARTY!!!" They all yelled as they threw their hands in the air.

The sun was up shinning high up in the middle of a gorgeous clear beautiful baby blue sky. The waves gently brushed gently against the soft sandy shore as a gentle light breeze graced the clear air. Stan and Ford unloaded the car as they took a lot of things on the roof of Stans car and Ford just pressed a button on a top of a small cube and tossed it as it expanded into a small shed that had a huge opening on the side which gave them a perfect view of the ocean as the top had a clear top so  the the brightness of the sun could shine in. And light the benched tables that laid inside and a barbecue that fessed inside as well with a nice inside bar and ice shed. Ford put an apron on over his swimming trunks and dark brown shirt and grabbed the luggage from Stan and walked toward the shed. "Well let's get to cooking." Ford said as Stan playfully rolled his eyes while everyone admired Fords invention. "Heh Show off." Stan said as he chuckled and grabbed the rest of the luggage and followed Ford into the shed. Dipper stretched as he began walking down the notice small hill of sand that connected the beach and the small road together. Dipper wore dark blue sandals as they matched the color of his Pinetree decorated swimming trunks which he wore with no shirt on or hat. Mabel followed down as she slightly bumped into him and laughed as he looked slightly at her and she smiled at him, her hair was braided downward as it barely met the crack of her but that was overdid with a purple one piece bathing suit as she wore a small shooting star design that laid in the middle of her chest. Seconds after Bill floated down to them as he held a gold air circular tube as it hung from his arm and his hands rested in the pockets of his yellow triangle decorated trunks while he wore them with no shirt on as well and no top hat. Will followed down to as he mimicked Bills action and floated next to them as  his appearance was the same as Bills the only different is he still wore his blue chains as his trunks not only matched the dark blue part of his hair but his triangle designs matched his chains light blue color. Mabel took a deep breath as she inhaled the nice clear air and breathed back out. "Ah the beach all to ourselves with a gorgeous scenery and it's all thanks to our awesome cousin (Y/N)." Mabel said as she turned around and the guys followed her action as they all stared at (Y/N) who wore flip flops with (F/C) shorts with a (F/C) tang top along with sunglasses and a small (F/C) (F/B) cap. She shit the door to Stans car and held a small satchel in her hands as she slid down the small hill to where everyone was as she looked at them and was startled a little bit when she noticed everyone stared at her. "What?" (Y/N) asked as everyone had a 'why' look on their face. "Haha cousin (Y/N) you did bring a bathing suit, right?" Mabel asked. "Well yes but I accidentally brought my two piece which I regret buying so I decided to stay in this. I can still go in the water though." (Y/N) said with a half smile. Mabel grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulders and pushed her toward the car gently as she began to beg (Y/N) about something as they got in the car and the guys stood there as they all looked at each other. "Wanna go join my uncles in the shed?" Dipper asked as he walked toward the shed and Bill and Will followed behind as they all entered the shed, they sat down at the benches and Stan served the food Ford cooked for Lunch. They all sat down and ate as Ford stayed at the grill and continued to cook. Moments later Mabel stood in front of the shack with her hands on her hips as she had a goofy smile on her face while she stared at everyone and everyone stared back at her. "Foods ready kiddo. Hey where's your cousin (Y/N) at?" Stan asked as he bit into his food. "INTRODUCING!! (Y/N) PINES!!!" Mabel said as she moved to the side and held out her hands in the direction next the her. "Mabel, please let me switch back to my clothes I feel very uncomfortable in this." (Y/N) said as she slightly poked only her head out from the side of the of the opening of the shack while blush and hint of nervousness covered her face. "Come on cousin (Y/N) please oh please please please! Do it for me!! Please!!!" Mabel begged as (Y/N) gave in to her plea's as she slowly stepped out Ana revealed herself as she stood where Mabel was directing to in the beginning as her face became overly flustered as she tried to cover her exposed body with her hands. She wore her hair up in a ponytail as her hair was so long it passed her butt and almost met the back of her knees as the short part of her hair rested at the sides of her cheeks, she wore a nice black bikini top as it tied in the center of her chest and small bikini bottoms that nicely shaped her waist. Dipper ate what was on his mouth as he put a thumbs up showing he though she looked cool. As Bill and Will both dropped their burgers that were in their hands and they landed on The plates as their jaws also dropped from the sight of (Y/N) in a bikini. Ford gave a look as did Stan but they til remembered that (Y/N) rented out the beach so it could be a private party, that meant no guys or girls would be making Googly eyes at their niece and immediately smiled as they followed Dippers action with the thumbs up. "See! You look awesome cousin (Y/N)!" Mabel said as she put both her thumbs up as (Y/N) cutely whined as she blushed. Mabel looked over at Bill as she noticed his jaw dropped expression and the fact he couldn't take his eyes off of (Y/N) Ashe slightly blushed as did Will. She smiled evilly as she put Bill on blast. "Hey Bill tell (Y/N) how much you like this bikini on her." Mabel said as she smiled while she walked behind (Y/N) and rested them on her shoulders as she smiled at Bill. Everyone immediately looked at Bill as he gave them a 'what' look as he closed his mouth and looked at (Y/N) who blushed and looked away as their eyes met. Bill grinned as he whistled. "Looking Very Hot, you should dress like that more often sexy." Bill said as he floated up and to (Y/N) as he stood in front of her and Mabel while he stared at (Y/N) from head to toe with a grin. Will approached (Y/N) as well and trembled as he tried to say something while Bill then glared at him. "Y-Y-You look nice." Will said as he blushed and looked away as that comment kinda pissed Bill off but he hid it with a devilish grin and he put his arm around Will and continued to smile at (Y/N). "You should fill that beautiful mouth of yours with food while this guy and I go explore the beach and engage in conversation." Bill said as he smiled at Will evilly while Will trembled in fear. Before (Y/N) could say anything Bill snapped his fingers and him and Will disappeared. (Y/N) puffed her cheeks as she got slightly upset. "He better not be a bully." (Y/N) said as Mabel and her walked to the bench and sat to eat their food with everyone as Ford served their food and joined them while he ate as well. "I'm sure Will, will be alright...maybe. So how did that talk go with Bill you two got in pretty late last night." Dipper said as he took a bite out of his sandwich and (Y/N) blushed at the though of what happened between her and Bill. "Well we didn't get to talk about everything exactly but it's a start...I think." (Y/N) said as she stared at her food flustered. "Gasp! Did something else happen between you and Bill!? Please tell us pleeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssseeeee!!!!!!!!!" Mabel begged as (Y/N) blushed so hard everyone kinda was surprised by it. "It just got emotional but that's all I'm telling you!!" (Y/N) yelled embarrassed as she waved her arms around nervously. "I-I'm sorry." (Y/N) said as she became calm and everyone laughed as (Y/N) blushed more. "No problem (Y/N) we're just happy you and Bill got to talk even if it was a little bit. You two should do that more often." Mabel said as she laughed. "Um (Y/N) if it's not too personal we've all been talking and we wanted to ask..Are you and Bill ever gonna...ya know...ever gonna be an official couple?" Ford asked as the atmosphere changed and it got quiet as everyone looked at (Y/N) who slightly became a little saddened by her uncles question. "Um...I..I better go check on Bill and Will ya know so Bill won't hurt Will or anything." (Y/N) said as she chuckled nervously and got out of her seat and left the shed as everyone watched her walk away toward the rocky path that led out to the ocean and she sat on a rock as she stared out at the beautiful scenery.  "I'm sure she's thought about it bro, I think she just needs time to think about it more because the way she just reacted shows it's not really a second thought." Stan said as Ford got sad because he felt he ruined the moment. "Your right, besides its none of our business anyway it's solely between them but still I never thought I'd say this but Bill is the only guy I can say I don't mind being with (Y/N) because one thing is he's trying." Ford sighed.
"Let's let them figure it out, for now let's just enjoy today and make every moment with (Y/N) count for all the years we missed with her." Dipper said he bit into his sandwich. "Dippers right lets make this the best 4 birthdays (Y/N)'s ever had!!!" Mabel said as she finished her burger and grabbed a boogey board and headed toward the ocean. "30 minutes Mabel you just ate!" Ford yelled. "Darn it! Fine!" Mabel yelled back as everyone chuckled a little bit.

Meanwhile Bill and Will floated in the middle of the beach as Bill turned to Will and looked at him evilly as he snickered. "Look I'm not gonna beat around the bush when I say this but whatever it is your feeling there it has no chance with her. You don't have a chance with her nor will you ever so just give up now while your still able to breathe." Said as he held his evil grin and Will blushed at his comment as he waved his hands crazily. "I-I-I-I don't think of h-h-her like that! Honest!" Will said as he whined. "Don't play innocent I see the way you look at her she may be dense to your behavior but I can see right through you I know your in love with her because I mean look at her she's just the best and perfect for only one guy and that's me. You don't belong here and you never will. So be a good little boy and don't get distracted from your job listen to your bosses and do as your told like a good little slave you are." Bill said as he held his grin and got close to Will a little as will backed away in fear. "Oh and watch your back because I know I will." Bill said with a menacing tone as he smiled and floated off as Will sat there with a mixed face of terrified and sad. Bill spotted (Y/N) as he kept his smile and brushed with his gold locks with his hand as they brushed back into place while he just smiled and floated toward the rocks where (Y/N) was.

(Y/N) stared out to the water as she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder as she turned around and looked behind her only to see no one but where the shed was, she slightly shrugged as she turned back the way she was facing before she saw a face and a floating body close to her and slightly jumped back as Bill checked at her reaction. "Hello there sexy lady with the pretty (F/C) eyes I must say that bikini looks ravishing on you." Bill said as he leaned in more. "But just between us not as ravishing as the sight of you naked." Bill said as (Y/N) blushed and pulled away from Bill as she looked the other direction. "Your being a pervert." (Y/N) said as Bill pulled back and sat next to her as he snakily scooted his hand inches from hers and stared at her as her attention turned back to the scenery that laid before them as Bills gazed was attached to (Y/N)'s features. "So toots what do you say we just make small talk huh ya know between friends. But that doesn't mean I won't stop my flirtatious ways with you." Bill said as (Y/N) ended laughing from Bill comment. "Sure why not just no more physical contact ok." She said as Bill chuckled. "Not making any promises." Bill said as he leaned back and floated slightly. "I promise I'll give you an answer when we find that spell, about what we are I mean." (Y/N) said with a embarrassed but determined look in her eyes. Bill blushed as he didn't realize how hypnotized he was by (Y/N) while he stared at her dazedly. "How do you do it Raindrop?" Bill asked as (Y/N) looked at him questionably. "Do what?" (Y/N) asked as Bill looked at her dead in her eyes, "Make me fall for you more and more each time." Bill said as (Y/N) blushed so hard she covered her face to try to prevent Bill from seeing it but that only caused his to snicker a little. "Your so darn cute when your embarrassed it's a pleasant sight alright. Hey wanna play a game." Bill said as (Y/N) looked back at him and gave him the 'oh no' look. "Do I dare ask what kind of game." (Y/N) said with a exhausted expression. "A game where you can ask me anything you like and then try to guess my insight on it and I'll say yes if your right or close or I'll say no if your wrong. Deal?" Bill said as he held out his hand and and it emerse with blue flames. "Wow..sure I can get behind that." (Y/N) said as Bill and her shook hands, as they let go the flame dispersed  and the talking began as Bill started off and then (Y/N) took over with an enormous amount of questions and theories as she pour her heart into her words as she got into the conversation with Bill as he just stared at her with passionate eyes and admiring her loosing herself to their conversation. Until Mabel and everyone else later interrupted as they all made Bill and (Y/N) join them to have a fun day at the beach with sports some games and even though Mabel was a little paranoid of (Y/N) getting hurt everyone all watched (Y/N) as she demonstrated how to take down one as she wrestled a great white and as she defeated it she let it back into the ocean instead of killing it. Wit that the day was then concluded as everyone watched the sunset from the shack and instead of giving presents to (Y/N) they all decided to toast to her and as each person individually told her how much she meant to them and what they though her worth was through their eyes it was heart wrenching enough to almost make her cry but avoided that but giving a big loving group hug to her family.

Sorry for the wait guys but here is a new update, I really hope you like it. Thank you for all the love and support you give you guys are awesome. Also what do you think might happen next? Put your theories in the comments section if you wish to, have a awesome day guys and I will see you all in the next chapter! Bye! Bye!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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