Chapter 6

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She sat outside waiting to be called in. Jacob was sat next to her, not uttering a word. It was like he never cared about her anymore.

"Mr and Mrs Masters." The woman called out. "You may go in now."

She stood up from her chair and made her way inside as Jacob followed behind. Once inside, they sat on the chairs, next to each other looking at the judge.

"According to my understanding Mr Masters, you would like to divorce Connie Masters?" The judge asked.

"That's right." He replied quietly.

"On what grounds?" She asked.

"I no longer love her so it would make sense for us to get divorced." He said. "It's suffocating leaving with a person you have no feelings for anymore."

Connie sat there listening to what he had to say, hold of back the tears that threatened to fall. How was it possible that he had changed so much? The hatred he had for her was too much to bare. She just wished everything would go back to normal but she knew that would never happen. She had already lost him.

They spent another hour with the judge discussing the divorce until she excused herself saying  she would be back soon.

"Jacob we don't have to do this." She said as she turned to look at him but she knew it was pointless to try and talk to him as he never replied anymore. "Jacob, what did I ever do for you to hate me this much? You promised me you will stand by for the rest of our lives. That you will support me at everything I decide to do. That you will forever love me so why this now Jacob?"


She leaned back in her chair and started crying. Something that had become a routine since he had left.

Her eyes moved towards the door as she saw the huge walking back in. This was it. In the blink on eye, her married life would be over. She had lost Jacob. The man she loved the most. The father of her child.

"I have come to the conclusion that I would not grant you the divorce." The judge said, shocking both Jacob and Connie.

"Why?" Jacob asked.

"You will be given six months to live together and try to fix your marriage." She explained."If after six months, you would still like to proceed with the divorce, that's when it will be approved."

Connie breathed a sigh of relief, a small smile forming at the thought of having more time to win Jacob back but Jacob was annoyed. He had wanted everything to be done today.

They left the office and both headed towards their cars. "Are you coming home tonight?" Connie asked.

"It's no longer my home Connie." He said. "I fell suffocated whenever I am around you."

"But the judge...we have to stay together for six months." She said.

"Don't think anything will change in that time Connie." He said. "It's over as I said before." He added and then got inside his car and drove off leaving Connie, standing alone in the car park...

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