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Eliza wakes up on the ground of her sons room. She started feeling around the bed to find her young and lively son when she didn't feel anything. "Milo!" She started yelling and looking around for him. "Down here!" Said a faint voice calling from downstairs. She ran down stairs of the small city house and took a left to find Milo making breakfast. "Mom I made you breakfast!" He said excitingly. She looked around and saw bowls and plates found across the counter as if someone hasn't done there dishes in weeks. "Why is the kitchen a mess?" Eliza asked angrily. "You forgot to do the dishes for the past 2 weeks. You need to get new groceries too!" Milo snapped, " Sorry Mom, I didn't mean to snap at you," he said very apologetic. "Oh no it's alright," Eliza said with heart at hand. "I'm going to go watch TV," Milo said leaving the room. Eliza starts cleaning the messy kitchen when she finds a picture of Milo when he was little. It was a picture of him holding an Easter egg and sitting in the Easter basket. His little smile made the picture look as if he was the happiest kid in the world. His brown curls around his heart shaped face and his warm gray eyes made the colors of Easter pop out. Eliza  grins and put the picture aside while she cleans the rest of the dishes.

By now, you guys might be wondering where is Milo's father, or how does this relate to the last part? The more you read, the more it will come clear of the whole situation.

"Can I help you clean the attic mom?" Milo asked with excitement. "No, it's dangerous up there and I don't want you to get hurt ok?" She said with concern. "Ok... I wanted to see the cool things that are in there though," said Milo a bit bummed out. "You'll be alright, anyways don't you have to do your chores?" She asked with a bit of humor and then winks. "Oh yeah, um about that, I can't do it anymore," Milo said hesitantly. "Why?" She said in ignorant bliss. "Well you know ever since that 'accident' happened I haven't got back my strength to do anything but walk and lay down. I just don't know why," Milo said scratching his head in embarrassment. "Oh no I know that! Did you see me wink?" She giggled. 

Eliza continued into the attic and started looking for the old photo albums with the picture she found on the counter of the kitchen. "2003, 2004, AH 2005!" She pulled out the phot album and looks for a spot to put the picture. She starts flipping through the pages and finds a family photo. "Erin!" She gasped. This picture was taken on Valentine's Day when they got a new home. Back then, they were a happy family.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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