Chapter 1~The Boy

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I woke up that word still ringing in my head ......


My Name is Shi Usia , i am a 17 year old boy with soft red hair ,

my eyes are very  different though , my right being a normal green and my left being a bright neon blue with a Strange Shine

"oh crap im Late!!!"i said as a sprung out of bed and grabbed a piece of toast as a flew out the door , running down the sidewalk.  then i saw a strange man in a suit walking towards me he stopped me in my tracks "are you aware of who Shi Usia is ? im looking for him hes about your age "the man said
"oh uh ....never heard of him " Pretending to not know my own  name "dont lie the look on your face says otherwise"  i was stunned he had noticed ! "well im ..... shi usia "  he  quickly grabbed me tightly "You "  that Word! he said the WORD! "You are coming with me  " I stared at him Frightened of what he wanted me for  "Uh I kind of got to go to school "  he looked at me sternly " you most  likely wont ever be going to school. again " he had a smirk on his giant face "oh god" I whimpered then He wacked me on my head and all was blackness

When I awoke I was in the back of a black car with tinted windows  , I was also handcuffed to a seat , " what's this for ! " I shouted and then the man sitting next to me covered my mouth "mmhmmmmf mmmmfmmhmf"     I then I bit the mans hand making him screech ,  "Hahaha" I laughed "you little!, if you weren't special i would have beaten you so bad ! " i cringed at the sound of his knuckles cracking  then the car stopped and they hit me on my head harder this time and ............................More Blackness

then when i awoke this time i was in a white bed room with a tinted window a over head speaker and a bathroom , this looked like a stagnate Dust free room with air that made you cringe , it was almost to clean ,  the speaker Squeaked and Cracked then "Shi Usia , glad to meet  you , I'm  Dr .Franist    i will be studying you and  teaching you more about yourself , you see your not human and your names not Shi Usia , that was just a cover name "  i looked shocked as a girl with brown hair came in with a lab coat on "So your Dr. Franist "i replied. "yes " she uttered  then another girl came in with a lab coat "im Dr. Lander ill be tending to you and caring for you" i looked at her with the most unamused face i could give" but i can take care of myself ! "  she looked at me and laughed " not entirely " then Dr.Franist looked at  me sternly "Sit " i sat down kind of confused  "now im about to tell you something important you better not freak out " i looked nervous" uhh okay "  she looked at me this time with a weak smile "you aren't human like i said before you are actually the heavens stone a powerful entity that has chosen human as its official form , but you are also like a treasure chest you have something inside you , something that even. we don't know what it is " i started to look upset "i am HUMAN , i was born human , ill stay human , ive never been special or anything im just a normal boy " i started to cry  " IM HUMAN!"  Dr.Franist pulled out a needle and stuck it in my arm  i collasped and then EVEN MORE BLACKNESSS

when i awoke this time i was in the bed Dr. Lander held a food tray next to me , she smiled brightly "your awake , good " i tryed to talk but my mouth felt frozen  "dont try to move it will make it worst , she gave you a tranquilizer  that only works on special people like you , it doesnt work on normal humans "  i looked mad my face started to feel tingly then felt normal as my expression went from normal to   angry then i started to talk "Why would she do that to"  i realized they were telling the truth "i am not human " i started to cry  "now now shi it will be okay just relax" she said in a soft tone , i thought that this was the end of me "oh no so now im a PET " i Said outloud as i knew the door was locked  , " Shi , your no pet , your basically a rare being that needs to be protected "she said  , i sighed "so an endangered species "  i looked annoyed "yes  actually thats right on point"Dr .Lander said with a smile "oh great , now can i know what im being protected from , i know im a treasure chest  but seriously , i should be free , if im as rare as you say i am " i said  " your rare shi  , but you need to be protected , you are something very important , to the angels and to the humans ". oh great i thought just what i needed "so basically im sooo important  , its not like im gonna break " i said " but you can break , if you get hurt a piece of you is broken off  like  A small shard , the enemy thats after you are called the S.B.R.L , Supernatural  . beings. Research . lab they want to use your abilitys for themselfs " 

"what why ?" i said "because if they do they can open Hells gates , which can destroy the world trust me you don't want  that to happen" dr.Lander said in a soft tone like my mothers " why am i possibly here?  i still dont quite understand why i have to be here instead of someone else " i said  " but if the moon was Square the world would be a much more different place "

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