chapter 3

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I was at the park waiting for Nick he said he'll meet me here at 8.00 but it's 9.00 maybe stiles was right that Nick was just playing with me. As I was about to leave I heard a voice say hey and it was Nick.

Me _ I taught you changed your mine about coming

Nick _ never

We talk for hours and he leans in for a kiss and as I was about to lean in he pulls back and laughted

Nick _ you taught I'll kiss a girl like you never .

Me _ what

People started coming out of the bushes .

Bella _ The dare was for you to go on a date with her and kiss her and then dump her the next.

Of course Bella is up to this I said

Nick _ I know I was supposed to kiss her but she's a duff I will never kiss a duff.

Bella _ whatever let's just go.

Everyone left laughing at me. I started to cry, why would to captain of the lacrosse team want to go on a date with me I said or right because it was a dare .

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around it was stiles .

Me _ are you here to laugh at me too

Stiles _ no but I warned you that Nick was up to something. Anyway are you okay.

Me _ do I look okay to you.

Stiles _ sorry I shouldn't have ask that stupid question of course you're upset.

He puts his hands on mines but this time I felt something different something like love....

Stiles _ come I'll give you a ride , are you feeling cold.

Me _ yeah a little

He takes of his jacket and puts it around me and he is wearing is vest alone .

I got out the car and he walked me to my door.

Stiles _ don't worry there is a guy out there who will love you for you

Me _ thanks

I opened the door and went to my room . I look out my window and I see stiles in is room. Our house are so close to each its like I can see his whole room.

I walked the halls of my school and everyone is laughing as I walked past them. Bella posted the video of Nick refusing to kiss me . I see stiles walking

Me _ hey stiles

He watched me with a weird face and doesn't reply. Bella comes between us and kisses him pushing me away

Bella _ why is she talking to you

Stiles _ I don't know maybe she has a crush on me and wants to ask me out

Me _ I forgot you don't want to talk to me in public my bad. You-know-what I don't want to talk to you in public or private were over I never want to speak to you again

He still didn't say anything he just stood there like a dumpass.

After school I went to the park to relax my mind from all this drama.

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