Status: Hospital Room

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The sound of some Late Night Show seemed to be blaring even though it was almost completely turned down. 'God, my head hurts.' Scott shook his head and opened his eyes. He could see three figures and he was in an unknown room. As his vision cleared he made out the three figures; Gwen, his Aunt Meg and what looked like a nurse. The nurse quickly came over and began talking quickly. "Scotty, is it alright if I call you that? You passed out while running at school due to lack of oxygen. I have your stats but the doctor will be into explain the entire thing." She quickly to his aunt. "He should be able to go home in the morning." She turned (quickly) to walk out but stopped and sneezed (quickly). She left the room and Aunt Meg put a hand on his shoulder with Gwen on the other side. She smiled and he attempted to smile back but grimaced when it sent pain shooting through his head. "Thank goodness you're okay. Gwen rode in the ambulance here with you and stayed by your side until I got here." He turned and realized who was talking. "What time is it?" 


"So, I've only been here about an hour?"

"No, it's 3:30 in the morning," Gwen said and Scott noticed the tired look in her eyes. He could feel the pit in his stomache as he began to mentally slap himself. 

"But why didn't you leave when my aunt got here?"

"Oh, I'm okay. I just called my mom and told her I would be at a friends. If I told her I was at the hospital she would have freaked out and I would have had to explain it. Too much drama."

Aunt Meg looked at her watch like she hadn't check it already. I have to call in." She said to herself more than anyone else. "How am I suppose to take you home tomorrow? I have to be to work by five."

"Don't do that Aunt Meg. You have that really big promotion oppurtunity and I don't want you to miss it."

The doctor came in and began talking without looking up from his charts. "Scotty, you passed out due to lack of oxygen. Your heart can't take the stress  of having to pump so hard with all of your extra weight. You are going to have to lose at least 100 pounds, 140 would be better but it just depends on you really. I can send with you some weight loss tips, magazines, and recommendations. The nurse will give them to you at the front desk." He turned swiftly away and walked out.

"Oh, that was polite." Gwen said as she turned back to Aunt Meg. "I can take him home." Aunt Meg was just as surprised as Scotty. 

"Are you sure? I can do it. I just ha.."

"Of course I can. It's not a problem. You can go home and get ready for work. The doctors have everything under control and I can keep an eye on him." She smiled that glorious smile that Scotty would never get over and Aunt Meg was skeptical. You could hear the Late Night Show in the quiet room. Finally Aunt Meg sighed, "Alright, but I am sorry for all of this." She pulled a rumpled twenty out of her wallet and shoved it into Gwen's hand. Gwen tried to reject it but Aunt Meg continued talking. "I don't need it. I will just waste it. Take it and don't try to give it back." Gwen looked uncomfortably at Scott and he shrugged weakly. "I love you, Scotty and I will see you tomorrow. I can come home during my lunch break." She turned to Gwen, " He has my number if you want to call me. I am sorry about this and I...." Gwen stopped her and began directing her to the door. "It isn't a problem. Now go home and all will be okay." 

His aunt was soon gone and Gwen looked at him. "Will she be okay?" she asked jokingly. "Yeah, I think. She just worries alot. Ever since Mom died, she has been trying to make sure I stay safe but it's normal."

"Oh, I didn't know why your aunt was here and not your mom. What about your dad?"

"He died of cancer." The room was an unbearable quiet. Not even the TV helped. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." She yawned again.

"It's okay. You can go to sleep. I'll be up for awhile."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

She curled up in the chair and closed her eyes. When Scott was sure she was asleep, he looked over and studied her. Not in a stalker way but in a way an artist looks at a beautiful painting. He grabbed a napkin off the side table and the pen out of the cup next to it. He began to sketch the simple outlines of her face; the eyes, eyebrows, ears, and mouth. He began to draw her long wavy hair but drifted to sleep. She was like a beautiful painting in a museum. At least she deserved to be.

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