Players: Greyson Chance, Maddi Jane, Cody Simpson, & Alli Simpson
Some day Greyson & Cody waiting Alli
Greyson: *sad
Cody: hey, you're sad now?
Greyson: yes
Cody: I think you sad cause Maddi not in this place
Greyson: hey you're true, why you know?
Cody: I know cause you love Maddi
Greyson: *shy
Cody want to search Alli
Cody: you want to search Alli? Alli so late to go to your home
Greyson: yes, I want o search let's go
Greyson & Cody search Alli and....
Alli: hy guys *with Maddi
Greyson is smile & shy
Greyson: hy Maddi :)*smile for Maddi
Maddi: hy Greyson *shy
Cody: want to go beach
Greyson&Maddi: yes
Greyson & Maddi say "yes" in the same time
Cody: wow they say yes in the same time
Greyson & Maddi so shy
Alli: yes you right my brother
On the way Greyson want to say something to Maddi
Greyson: Maddi, I want to say something, would you want to listen it?
Maddi: yes :)
Greyson want to say, but Greyson so shy
Greyson: I....I...I love you so much. You want to be my girlfriend
Maddi is so shy
Maddi: yes of course *shy
And they together
Cody, Alli, Maddi & Greyson now in the beach
Alli: wow so amazing that sunshine
Cody: yes
Greyson: if you is sunshine, I'm is world
Maddi: what mean of that?
Greyson: that mean, we are always together and you always give me light in my heart
Maddi: owwwhhh.. So romantice thank you
Greyson: you're welcome
Maddi have a cancer, but Greyson doesn't know it
Maddi go to doctor
Maddi: doctor, I'm right?
Doctor: sorry Maddi, In a few months you will die
Maddi: OMG, how can I do?
Doctor: You should be operated on as soon as possible or you will die
Maddi: how long will I die?
Doctor: 5 week again
Maddi: no problem doctor I not operated
Doctor: are you sure?
Maddi: yes this is my way for stop to life
Maddi now is go home, But greyson overheard in the hospital
Maddi: sit in the chair
Greyson come
Greyson: *hug Maddi
Maddi: what happen?
Greyson: no matter what happen always be yourself
Maddi: what happen?
Greyson: 5 week again you die? You Cancer
Maddi: why you know it?
Greyson: I'm listening you talk with doctor
Maddi: this is my way Greyson
Greyson: Maddi, you always in my heart forever
Maddi: *cried
4 week later
Maddi: OMG now 1 week again I'll die. Bye bye Greyson I'll miss you
5 week later
Maddi: now it's time. *fainting
Greyson come
Greyson: OMG Maddi
Greyson go to hospital
And doctor say Maddi now is gone. I'm sorry
Greyson: no matter what happen alwas be yourself Maddi I love you *kiss maddi
The End