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"Preposterous!" The king boomed with a sneer.

"This palace is well-guarded!" He scoffed at Sinder, "We are the royal family after all! Or have you forgotten?"

"No, your grace," Sinder spoke through gritted teeth, "But I wouldn't take this threat lightly."

"Oh?" The king snarled, "and you know so much about guardship, do you? Tell me, Sinder, have you trained as a knight since we last met?"

"No, your grace," Sinder repeated, "I only mean to imply that I do not take the safety of your family lightly." He lowered his eyes, "Nor should you."

"Excuse me?" The king raised his brow, "You dare imply that I don't take the safety of my family seriously?"

"Well, you don't seem to be," Sinder spoke, frustrated, "I have just given you information about a possible attack and you are not taking it seriously at all."

The king shut his eyes in annoyance.

"The only reason I allow your presence at my court is because of my son's fondness of you. His insistence that you be invited to tonight's festivities are the only reason I do not have you thrown out right now. Be grateful that I love my son, Sinder."

"That is why you should protect him, your grace," Sinder said collectedly, "his safety, as well as yours, or anyone else's here may be at risk."

"I only ask that you be extra cautious during tonight's festivities," Sinder finished.

Kalmir had been watching nervously from the side.

The king seemed to ponder for a moment.

"That will be all, Sinder," the king finally said. "And do try and behave yourself this evening."

Sinder bowed dramatically, "As you wish, your grace." 

His long strides quickly carried him from the room, Kalmir close on his heels.

When they entered the hallway, Kalmir breathed a sigh of relief.

"That went...better than it could have," Kalmir breathed.

"Your father is overly arrogant," Sinder frowned.

"Sinder!" He hissed.

"For God sakes, Kalmir, it's just us now. We can speak freely."

"I know," Kalmir implored, "but my parents grow more and more intolerant of you...I just..." He looked at Sinder sadly, "I don't want them to disallow you from coming here."

"Then don't let them," Sinder said simply, "You're the prince, you have power too."

"Not under my father's thumb I don't."

Sinder shook his head, "You're just stuck in a huge messy web, the both of you."

"Who?" Kalmir asked.

"You and Alesana," Sinder concluded.


"Rosie, I insist you let me see my future bride," Kalmir pleaded as the maid had stopped him in he doorway of Alesana's chambers.

"But sir, I've not quite finished with her," she implored, "She doesn't look quite proper yet."

Sinder rolled his eyes, "Oh as if we've never seen her not looking proper before," he peered around the maid, "Ally, tell her to let us in."

"Honestly, Rosie, let them through," Alesana called.

Rosie looked mildly panicked as Sinder smoothly slid past her into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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