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We walked down the dirt road towards ieslek's house. "Hey, I didn't catch your name?" I asked, looking into his shit colored eyes. "Oh. It's Rump. Ronald Rump." He stated proudly. "Hm. I like it." I nodded as we approached ieslek's home. We walked up the concrete driveway, I rang her doorbell. "COMI-AHHH GEORGE DID YOU HAVE TO PUT CATY PURRY IN THE MICROWAVE??! NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID?!?! CATY HAS TURNED INTO A SLUSHY." I heard ieslek's voice yell to her son, George. Yeah. That's right. She's 19 and has a 10 year old son. Knocked up at 9 years old. Tragic, really. "DAMMIT MOM DO YOU SEE MY FACE?! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT?" "OH ILL GIVE YOU SOME SHIT! AND ILL SHOVE IT IN YOUR FACE!" I heard her yell at George right before she opened the door, smiling innocently. "Hola. How are you Anita?" "I'm ok considering the apocalypse has just arrived." I stated. "Yes, it ha-" a plate hit her in the head, breaking as it did so. "DAMMIT GEORGE WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!?!" She screamed at him as he smiled. "BECUASE I NEED FOOD. YOU HAVENT FED ME IN TWO DAYS FOR GOD SAKES GIVE ME SOMETHING, WOMAN!" He yelled back, just as loudly. "YOU LITTLE BASTARD ILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING, ILL GIVE YOU YOUR OLD UNCLE HOWARD, AND YOU KNOW HES HORNY!" She yelled, as she turned back to us, gesturing for us to come in. As we walked in Ronald made a face at the cats surrounding us. "What are your cats names?" Ronald asked ieslek. "Oh, this is Haylor Rift, Hairy Kyles, Mewdiepie, Telena Romez, Warilyn Nonroe, there was Caty Purry, but George threw her in the microwave so she's not here anymore, Fedward Rullen, and little Susie." She finished, smiling. "Nice. That one looks a little sick... I'm so expert but I'm pretty sure there's not suppose to be a tail growing on they're stomach..." Ronald trailed off. "Oh no Hairy Kyles is special." She's stated. "Hey mom? Can I have some fo-" "SHUT THE HELL UP." Ieslek yelled at George. Suddenly, the house shook, "AHHH! WHATS THAT?!?!"
Ohhhh cliff hangerrrr. Hint-it's George bombs going off in the basement. I NEED OREOS.

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