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This is the first time i'm writing my own original story that isn't a fanfiction.

I actually had a dream about this except I have added a couple of other things in.

The only part that was my dream was the room scene.

Chapter One


Elena's P.O.V.

Slowly, I walked into the small room, clutching my folder tightly under my arm. As I entered I noticed the room was very plain, and I nearly thought it was empty. Everything in the room was a bright and blinding colour of white. There was a twin bed with a pillow and a quilt which looked too small for the bed. There was also a small sofa with two tiny cushions, the sofa looked hard, and uncomfortable. They were all of course completely, plain white. From above there was a intensely bright ceiling lamp that made me blink a few times to regain my sight. I scanned the room for any source of life and my eyes had nearly missed the small girl in the corner of the room.

The girl was unnaturally beautiful. Her porceline, heart shaped face was small, and looked so fragile. Her curly, auburn hair cascaded down her shoulders-partly covering her eye-I had almost missed the red in her hair which could probably be only seen under light. Her plump lips were pursed, as if they were holding back a scream. Her nose had a small, bump, probably meaning someone had broken it in the past. As soon as my eyes trailed to hers I completely and utterly regretted it.

They were wide and a striking colour of purple, however she had golden irises making her eyes stand out even more. They were oddly striking. You'd think 'why would you regret it then?'. The reason I regretted it was her eyes were dull and empty, they looked unstable. They were intimidating. They were framed with long black eyelashes that almost looked tinted.

My eyes moved towards her body; she was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of white trousers that looked a bit baggy. She wore no shoes nor socks. Her legs were folded and her hand were being squished beneath her feet.

"Whats your name?" I smiled lightly at her, hoping to create a small talk with her.

She didn't reply, she just stared at me, in fact she looked sort of fustrated.

I walked towards her but she shuffled backwards as her eyes darkened. I didn't dare take another step forward.

I took her folder from my arm and slid out her description.

Risa Carter

Risa Carter is a very shy and quiet girl, she doesn't speak to anyone at all. She isolates herself from everyone. Risa sits alone and only eats small amounts of food. She has unusual eyes that change colour towards her mood. Scientists want to run tests on her but have not had the chance since she resists every time she spots someone in a cloak. Risa has also been know to perform unusual things and she has also screamed many times in public places to stop the voices. Risa has been diagnosed with ASD and depression. Some believe she had bipolar but its not definite. Some reckon she should be put out of her misery and k-

"NO! YOU ARE NOT KILLING ME!" A voice screeched, I looked up from the folder to see Risa standing up, legs wide and hands clenched into fists.

Her eyes had turned onyx as well as her hair which now flowed in the air. A loud crack of thunder echoed through the room. I looked out the window but it was bright and sunny as usual in Phoenix. Another thunderous crack echoed through the room. I looked up and grey clouds had began to gather at the ceiling. A flash of lightning hit a near by chair, turning it to ash and bits of dust.

I didn't flee, I didn't scream, but instead I smiled in recognition. Risa raised her eye brows at me in shock.

"Risa I know what you are" I said gently, trying not to flare her temper. Thankfully, she seemed to calm down a bit as she inhaled heavily.

Suddenly, she walked straight up to me in great strides, and small smile playing at her lips. Her eyes faded to purple and gold, and filled with hope and relief.

"What am I? I've felt so lonely for so long" she announced, excitement filling her voice. It was amazing what a few words could do to a person. If I hadn't know what she was, I would of believed she was bipolar.

"I'm not bipolar!" She grunted, clearly annoyed.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, I hadn't said that out loud had I?

"I can hear peoples thoughts" she added, probably sensing my confusion.

I stopped dead in my tracks, and she seemed to notice. "Whats wrong? Elena?"

It had slipped my mind that she would know my name if she could read my mind.

I shook my head and murmured "Doesn't matter"

"So...What am I then?" said Risa, her expression changing from worried to excited again.

"I can't say here, its not safe" I mumbled, thinking of how to get her out of here.

After a moment, I clicked my fingers, "got it"

Risa cocked her head to the side, for a moment before her smile turned into a grin. Her smile had widened and her teeth were now showing, they were perfectly straight and a healthy white. They gleamed under the bright light.

"This ought' be fun" she smirked gleefully.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards the door.

"Now just show now emotion" I murmured beneath my breath so only she could hear.

"Trust me, I've had years of practice" Risa winked at me.

I looked away as I shook my head with a smirk before I dropped it to a straight, firm line. I glanced at Risa from the corner of my eye to see her expression was completely deadpan. She was an expert at this, while I was not.

As I walked out, a few passersby gave me a weird glance before bringing their attention back to where they were walking. Just as I reached the last door, I was stopped by a security guard.

He was fairly tall, with dark brown hair that looked like it had been flattened or rather glued to his head. His face was very pale and it looked rather thin. His nose was long and pointy and his eyes were crystal blue. "What are you doing with a patient? Who are you?"

I pointed at my badge that was attached to my jacket. He took a minute to examine it before looking me dead in the eye. "Alright...Miss Sparrow. What are you doing with this patient?"

I bit my lip, I was nervous because of the intensity of his stare. "This is Risa Carter, she told me she felt sick and needed some air. Don't worry shes in safe hands" I managed to give him a reassuring smile before I ushered her out the door. Thankfully, he didn't come after us.

"You're a really terrible liar you know that? Its just because everyone that works here is dumb that you got away" said Risa.

"Well thanks" I grumbled and folded my arms over my chest.

She rolled her eyes at me, but said no more.

"So what now?" Risa asked me after a moment of silence.

"We go to my car" I said simply.

"What? No teleporting? No flying? " She questioned me, with a small giggle.

"Well if you want to...however i'm not very trained with it we may possibly end up in Alaska" I said, with no emotion trying to look serious.

"Alrightly then, car it is" the corners of her lips lifting higher.

I looked over my shoulder one last time, reading the name over and over in my head as if I was trying to memorize it.

'Phoenix Mental Institution'

Without it, Risa may of been caught or possibly killed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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