Chapter 1

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                                    Leah up there  


'Girl I don't know right now . Rebecca got a room so we're good to go. Don't bother . We will be fine-

'Excuse me ma'am you might want to get off that couch . Mr Ross wants us to take this out to the orphanage too' the clearance guy interrupted. 

The house was empty not even a clock was left behind. Well our bags were the only things occupying the house at the moment and us. Kevin , Riel and I . My husband , Aaron Ross and I separated a few months ago and today we're finally leaving the house he built as he likes to put it. Not that I'm leeching on his money or anything. I got my own job . Well I've got jobs . Thanks to a degree in dentistry , I'm a dentist for a house of the needy so basically i don't get paid  , work with a local bakery shop and I work as a bartender at night . So that does it  for now.

'Mummy I want daddy ' Riel grabs my attention , sitting on her huge teddy bear ,Thomas since there is no seat around . That's all she says ever since Aaron left . She's just a year old and knows nothing about our current situation

'Lil guh daddy is gone and mama finna get you a new daddy soon okay?' i lie to her , forcing myself not to cry. She smiles after i pick her up from the floor with Thomas . We pack our suitcases and duffle bags into the last thing Aaron left us . A car. How  considerate of him i thought.

Kevin wont speak throughout our journey to Detroit . He must've missed his friends back in Virginia. 'Kevin honey are you hungry?' i come up with something even though we just ate some sandwiches i made from yesterday. 'No mummy 'he pauses and resumes 'where is daddy?' 

Even at the age of four hes so matured always telling me how he will protect Riel from boys when they  grow. I bet he can define a divorce right now. 'Kevin daddy needs some time okay honey. I promise he will be back' another lie but talking of faith i must say mine so strong. Like he will come back pfft its a done deal.


'Damn Shaun is doing Rebecca real good with this cute house' I snap as i pull up into the driveway. 'New home!' Kevin cheered waking up a sleeping Riel . I rolled my eyes 'No baby we are staying with Auntie Rebecca and Uncle Shaun' i explained as he leans back into his seat and frowns. I'm sorry i mumble in between sobs . Just then Rebecca makes an appearance from the front door looking like an elephant with that pregnancy . She should deliver soon. 'Hey lil sis ' she chants as she opens Riel's side of the door to pick her up since they got along so well. 'Kev come help me with the bag please' i say out loud reminding Kevin as he follows Rebecca into the house holding only his backpack. He staggered back to the car and took more bags than i took ' stunting like my daddy' he speaks up to me smiling , reminding me of the first day his dad carried me in a bridal style when we were younger. A bit embarrassing because i was fat in college  and he managed.


'Uncle Shaun you've got strong huge muscles like my dad' Kevin says out loud with collard greens sticking out of the corners of his teeth making Leah more uncomfortable .'right? your daddy used to beat me up in high school even though i was his senior. you're pretty strong too Kevin ..... my man' Shaun compliments as Kevin picks on his food which clearly meant he was done with dinner . Riel on the other hand munches on her apple sauce dessert as she sings one of her nursery rhymes 'such a happy kid . she keeps looking at my belly 'Rebecca comments as they focus on Riel whose head is down paying attention to her dessert ' and she asks 'whats in there ?'' Rebecca mimmicks , grabbing Riel's attention from her plate.  'Mama !' she raises her arms to get out of her high chair with Leah rushing to scoop her up from her chair. Everyone has been looking at these two as Leah makes faces , making Riel laugh all throughout the place. Rebecca seemed to enjoy the moment thinking about her unborn child . 

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