Chapter One- The Beginning

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  Daniel woke up and rubbed his eyes. His brother Justin was standing staring at himself in his mirror. "About time you got up shitface." he muttered. Daniel got up and walked out of the room. "Hey Daniel you tryin' to ignore me now you little shit!?" Justin yelled. "Boys! Stop arguing! Time for breakfast!." his mother called from the kitchen. Daniel got up and walked to the bathroom and locked the door. He stared at himself in the mirror, his pale face stared back. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. He reached into the cabinet and pulled out a straightener. His black hair went everywhere and his bangs curled. He turned it on and walked out and into his bedroom, waiting for it to heat up. He changed pulling on a pair of black jeans and a red shirt. He put on his shoes that were black and red; he had to match. He put on his hoodie and glanced at himself in the mirror and sighed in anger. He walked back into the bathroom and left the door open. Justin walked in eating a waffle, syrup ran down his wrist. "Hey you queer, straightening your hair again? Dad's not going to be proud" he chuckled. "Shut up Justin!" Daniel yelled. Justin grabbed the straightener out of Daniel's hand and held it like tongs attacking his brother.

   Daniel cursed and tried to push his brother away, but Justin was twice the size of him. In an instant the staightener closed around his wrist as he screamed in pain from the burning sensation that ran up his arm. "Hey sorry bro, at least it'll keep you from cutting yourself you emo faggot. " Justin said and walked out of the bathroom eating his waffle. Daniel looked down at his wrist and saw the red mark from the straightener and all the cuts and scratches he caused himself. He finished and walked into the kitchen and walked out the door without a word. "Daniel, c'mon you have to eat" his mother called after him. "I'd rather die. Not like anyone would care anyways" Daniel replied. He got on his bus and felt someone trip him as he fell and caught himself from face planting. He sat down as he heard laughter and "loser!" being  called out. He felt a paper ball hit the back of his head with a thud as he heard snickering and giggles from behind him. He stared ahead with a blank stare.

  Daniel sat in first period alone in the back of the classroom; Algebra 2 Honors. Throughout the day no one dared talked to him, and he didn't try to talk to anyone and end up looking stupid. At lunch he sat at a table alone and drew. He looked up as a girl sat down across from him. "It's windy out here isn't it?" she whispered. Daniel watched her; she was absolutely gorgeous. Her curly brown hair shimmered and blew in the fall breeze. Her skin was as white as snow and her green eyes and freckles stood out. "Oh um. Yeah." Daniel replied and forced a smile. "What's your name?" Daniel asked. "Larci." she replied. She blushed and looked down. "Yours?" "Daniel." "That's a nice name. Hey I gotta go. Talk to you later." Larci replied quickly as she got up and started walking away, Daniel noticed three girls walking quickly towards her, they looked pissed. Daniel didn't have time to save her as he saw mashed potatoes fly through the air and hit her left shoulder. She looked at her shoulder and stared at the ground. Daniel looked at her and saw her face was red as a beet, and she looked like she was trying not to cry. "Larci.." Daniel didn't have time to finish his sentence, Larci ran covering her face. Daniel watched her and noticed the back of her black hoodie that said "We won't back down."

  Daniel's face remained unsettled as he shuffled with the crowd into the huge gym. Every few months they had a pep rally, where all kids sat on the bleachers and cheered. "GO MANTAS!" said the cheerleaders as they helped freshman find where to go. Daniel looked up at the bleachers and saw Larci sitting alone, with her arms crossed staring ahead. Daniel climbed up the stairs and heard people shouting "Freak! Loser!" at him, but he didn't care. Larci smiled as soon as she saw him and he sat down next to her. "So; where's your school spirit ma'm?" Daniel said with a smile. "Fuck that. This school never wins a football game." Larci said. She was right, for the past two years, the football team hasn't won a single game. He looked down and saw the three girls walking up the bleachers, staring right at her in a scowl. He immediately stood up in front of Larci. "Hey you fucking loser, get out of the fucking way." a blonde girl with pink highlights said. "No. Fuck you whore." he whispered. She laughed and threw her hair back out of her face. "I'll get you're brother to beat you up you little prick." she smiled and walked away.

  The blonde girl was actually infact, dating Justin; Daniel thought. Her name was Janie he believed. Daniel sat down and Larci stared at him with suspicious eyes. "Do you like me?" Larci muttered. Daniel coughed and look at her. "Yeah of course, you're a pretty girl." he replied. "No I'm not." Larci looked down at her feet, her face turning red. "Well I think so. Hey, I'm going to ditch this stupid assembly; care to join?" Daniel said with a smile and held out his hand. Larci looked around to see about twenty people staring at them, not saying a word. She stood up and grabbed his hand. They walked hand in hand down the bleachers ignoring the names they were being called. 

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