On the road of happenings

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As the bell rang announcing the end of yet another day, and once again I was ready to leave school, or as I dubbed it, my lovely, Purgatory. Of course many might think that I am being overly dramatic but I am not so sure they have the right idea. After all they are not the one who has to check the lock on their locker meticulously if they don't want to find all their books soaking in strawberry milk. But well, everything is a matter of perspective.

Making my way to the parking lot I made sure not to meet anyone's eyes. Digging into my pocket I pulled out the keys of my Camaro, a gift from daddy dearest on my sixteen birthday two years ago. It is a miracle that he remembered that I am a transformers' fan when he completely forgot on what occasion he was gifting it to me. After dumping my bag in the passenger's seat I started the engine taking a minute to enjoy the noise it made, a soft loud purring that soothed my cracked soul. This was the peak of my day; a moment of relaxation tainted by the looming anxiety of going home. Today however, this sacred moment was disturbed by someone banging on my car window. Startled I turned my head to see Marc and his gang, Marco, Anthony, Azuma and Friedrich, all third years like me. Marc motioned for me to open the door, his sneer grating on my nerves. With a heavy sigh I stopped the engine and after pocketing the keys I got out of the car.

"What do you want Marc" I asked trying to look as nonchalant as possible.

"I am sure you know what I want Kayler" he said chuckling which made me tense a little. It's never a good thing for me when he is happy, and even less when he acts familiar.

"And I am sure I don't" I answer crossing my arms to which he chuckled some more.

"Well I know that tomorrow it is your birthday" he says with a bright smile.

"And so?" Uh oh this doesn't sound good.

"So, your father invited me to your birthday party. As your best friend he asked me to be your date for the night." He said and now they were all laughing as I struggled to keep a blank expression. "Of course being the gentleman I am, I accepted, so see you at the party." he added and I couldn't keep it in any more.

"You are joking right?!" I yelled in disbelief. "I can believe that my father would invite you, but why would you accept? We both know that you hate me!" I said clenching my fists.

"That I do" he said smiling viciously when I flinched slightly. "But it seems that your father doesn't know that, and I wouldn't want to disappoint him right? And let's be honest, I am sure you were the one who asked him to invite me." he said turning to his friends who nodded. "So see you at the party Kayler dear." He said and with that they were gone and I wanted nothing more than to catch up with him and punch him. Hard. Hard enough to knock his teeth out and destroy his perfect face and body. But I didn't. I never do.

Great, not only had he destroyed the only highlight of my day but he was also going to destroy my birthday. My greatest tormentor was going to make my birthday another day in hell all thanks to daddy dearest. Huffing I sat back in my car and started the engine, time to go home. There was no way I would let him, any of them ruin my birthday. My eighteen birthday will be the turning point of my life and spending it with Marc is not how I have been envisioning it.

On my way home I tried to find a way to disinvite the prick without getting into a fight with my father. When did he invite him anyway and when was he going to tell me? This was just unbelievable. And so while ranting I arrived home. Parking my car I was shocked to see that my father's car was there along with mother's car and Alexis'. Father was never at home when mother was there, something must be wrong. Picking up my bag I made my way inside, stopping in the living room at the sight of my family sitting there all together in silence. Shocker. I must have said that out loud because they all turned to look at me.

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