Love Hurts

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One day Vincent came home from work and had the urge to hurt someone and the only one home was Renata ,Vincent slowly walked towards Renata and pulled out his nife , Renata didn't notice Vincent was home until she heard a evil laugh ,Renata then turned around and saw Vincent walking towards her ,Renata backed away but her back hit the wall ,Vincent punches Renata about 5 time making her scream in pain ,Vincent then tapes her mouth shut so she couldn't screams and then Vincent grabbed Renata arms and said "If you tell anyone about what I'm doing , your good as dead!" Renata nodded ,Vincent then cut her arms 19 times ,blood was everywere but Vincent wasn't finished yet ,Renata tryed to get away but Vincent was to strong  ,Vincent stabed Renata in the shoulder and Renata was about to pass out because of how much blood she had lost ,Vincent saw she was about to pass out and he dropped the nife and took the tape off Renatas mouth and started to cry because of the things he did ,Vincent fell onto his knees ,Renata looked at Vincent and knew he didn't mean what he did ,Renata then bent down and huged Vincent and Vincent huged back and Vincent apologized and Renata forgave him.


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