Part 1

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Mia Piers was reading a book in her room.She was a beautiful 15 year old girl with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes.Her phone ringed and she slowly put the book away to see how was calling her.It was her best friend Emma.

-Hey Emm' what's up?-she asked

-Hey Mia I am so glad that you're not sleeping there is a party tonight at 11 pm at Michaels house so are you coming?-Mia could hear that Emma was really excited.Well Michael was her crush since 4th grade.But it was 10 pm and they had a test tomorrow.

-Isn't it a little to late I mean we have a test tomorrow from History and you know that Mrs.Ryan gives hard tests-

-Just be there an hour and then you can leave please Mia-She said that in a sad way,knowing that Mia won't have the heart to say no.

-Fine only an hour and then I'm going home-Mia smiled and hang up.

She quickly got dressed.It was a simple black dress with glitter on it peep toe black heels and a sliver clutch.It was a nice combination for partys.She quickly wrote a short message telling he parents where she went leaving it on her desk.Mia quietly walked downstairs and trough the front door.Her parents were in the living room which door was right next to the front door.Living room door were closed but they could still hear the front door opening.Mia had to hope that they were watching a movie and they wouldn't hear her leaving-her parents would let her go to a party but only if she would stay till 11 pm.Mia slowly opened the door and went out.The door was old and it creaked as she closed them.Emma was waiting for her.She was driving an SUV.Mia got into the car to the passenger seat and looked at Emma.She was a black haired beauty.Her skin was pale and her clothes were bloody red.

-Hey-she smiled-What do you think?-

-You look gorgeous-Mia said

Emma drove to Michaels house.They got out of the car and started walking toward a big house.As they got closer they could hear music playing.Emma quickly knocked on the wooden door.A blond hair guy opened the door

-Hi Michael-Emma blushed

-You two here for the party?-

-Yes!-Emma was speaking.Mia was too shy ro  even look at Michael.

-Then come in what are you waiting for?-He smiled to Emma completely ignoring Mia.

The went in.Almost everyone were dancing and kissing.Mia stood there alone ignoring every guy that asked her to dance with him.She didn't even want to drink anything she just wanted to go home.She looked for Emma.She was dancing with Michael.Mia looked at the clock it was 11:45 pm.Emma completely forgot about her so she decided to leave.She was walking toward the door when a loud noise surprised everyone.The music stopped.Then someone screamed.The screaming was coming from the outside.Everybody started running toward the front door to see what happened.Mia was the first one to get outside.She also screamed...

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