*~My Heart Beats To The Beat Of Your Drum~*

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  • Dedicated to Kaitlin Malia <3

Chapter 1: -Hard Knock Life.- *Quinn's POV*

"Kate, of course I'm going. Well, I have to go. See ya." I say, ending my call. The door bell rings. "I'LL GET IT!" I yell in a Post-Hardcore scream. I open the door. Oh god. God no. It's him. "Hello, Neil." I sneer. "It's Niall, Alice." I roll my eyes. "Wrong apartment." I slam the door in his face. I look over at my Dad. "Do I have to let him in?" Note my puppy face. "I'm afraid so." He lends me a pitiful glance. Niall's knocking on the door loudly now. I open it. "Can I help you?" I ask rudely. "Yeah, actually. May I please step inside MY OWN DAMN HOUSE." He yells angrily, pushing past me. "Woah, calm yo tits, princess. First of all, you don't even live here. You've never been here." I yell, following him. He looks back at me. "What are these?" He says, fingering my stretched ears. I slap his hand away. "None of your business..." I mutter and march up the stairs to my room. "OF COURSE IT'S MY BUSINESS! I'M YOUR OLDER BROTHER FOR GOD'S SAKE!" "DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK?" I scream back. I run into my room, AKA my Safe Haven. Oh god, I hate him. He's such a Drama Queen. I log in on my laptop and check my modeling profile.vyes, I do modeling. Just not super girly stuff. Oh. My. God. One person has commented on it and it's.... OLI SYKES?!?! I can't believe this. He wrote:

Hey. I really like your modeling profile and I'm doing a new clothing line called Drop Dead. I was wondering if maybe you'd be interested in modeling clothes in the collection? Please get back to me as soon as possible.


"Keep calm, Quinn. KEEP. CALM... " I whisper to myself. I write back a quick but grateful response saying that I'd be honored to help him out. I'm about to start listening to Bring Me The Horizon when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Dad. "Hello?" "Hey, Q-Tip." "How's the prince?" I snicker. "Never been more chattier. He's about to leave." He whispers in the phone. "He kept rambling on about you and how he can't stand how you treat him." Dad tells me in a saddened voice. "Dadddd..." I whine. "Yeah I know, Q. What a Douche." He exclaims. I giggle. My Dad is like a best friend to me. He gets me and totally feels the same way about my brother and mother as I do. Hate 'em, hate 'em, hate 'em. Plus, my Dad puts on this great parent act when he's around them so he seems super... Uh.... Parent-y, I guess. "We'll, see ya Dad." "Biyah, Q." I decide to call Kate. I put her on speaker. "Yuh'llo?" "Kate, you'll never guess what!" "What?" "You have to guess, idiot!" I giggle. "3 Tries." I add. "You..... Met Jordan Maron?" "Nope." "You.... Killed your brother?" "I wish, but nope." "You built a Time Machine?" "Nu-uh. Okay, so.... OliSykesJustAskedMeToModelClothesForDropDead!!! I spit it out. "WHHHAAAATT?!? NOOOO WAYYY!" She screams from her end of the line. "Yes! He commented on my modeling profile and asked me!" "O. M. G. When do you start?" "I don't know yet. He hasn't responded back." "Anyways, girl, that's awesome! We should celebrate!" "Totally!" We make plans to celebrate my DropDead success tomorrow. I end the call and plug in my earbuds. I'm into more than just 'Screamo'. I like Two Door Cinema Club, Marina + The Diamonds, OneRepublic, Mariana's Trench, and tons of others. But clearly I'm obsessed with Post-Hardcore and Punk-Rock. Just look around my room. Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice & Men, BlessTheFall, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, and other band posters cover my walls. That's why I NEVER. NEVER EVER EVER let Niall in my room. He'd trash it with his Pop Shit. I'll pass on that one. God, I even hate his name. Niall. Niall. Sounds like some drugged raindrop. Hey, those are actually pretty awesome, I bet. Drugged Raindrop. Good band name. Aw, that sucks that his name is... No, it's not like that. I hear a knock on the door. "Bye, sis." "Go fuck yourself." "Whatever..." He stomps off and I hear him clomp down the stairs and slam the door behind him. Good. Buh bye. That reminds me: 14 more days til' Warped. Woot woot. Warped is something i'm DEFINITELY not sarcastic about. I LURVE Warped Tour. If you don't know what Warped Tour is, congrats! You're officially an idiot! Let's throw a party! But seriously, I can't wait! I've gone every year since I was born and plan to keep going til' the day I die. I'm going with Kate this year and it's gonna be 'Awesome Sauce' , as Kate would say. I go downstairs. "Dad, what's for dinner?" I ask. "Ching Chong." Is all he says, which I've learned is code for "we're getting Chinese Food." "Mmmmm.... Yay!" I exclaim. Soon the food arrives and I dig in. After I eat, I go upstairs and yawn. Ugh... I'm so tired. I change into my pajamas and lay on my bed. I grab my IPod and fall asleep to OneRepublic and All Time Low. Yeah, I may be Blessed With A Curse, but I deal....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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