Chapter One

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Yay story -E

This is probably the furthest we'll ever get on this -N

very true -E

Sadly, too true. Are we keeping these in? -N

We are now -N

The ground beneath my feet was slippery with the rain that was currently pouring from the ominous black clouds that hung low in the sky. My lungs burned with the effort of running. I'd been running for a long time, desperately trying to lose a group of men in the busy streets of London. There were so many people running around trying to shelter themselves from the rain in doorways or under the canopies of the shops that lined the streets.

I snaked between the many shoppers, trying to stay as hidden from the group chasing me as possible but somehow they managed to part the crowd and continue their pursuit. As I ran I kept sneaking glances over my shoulder. It cost me some time but I couldn't help it. I was so curious as to how close they were to catching me.

Somehow this whole thing didn't seem real. There crowd of nameless faces, the angry shouts, the cliché rain and general darkness of the streets just seemed too fictional to be actually happening to me. All of my friends that had gone through things similar to me had warned me how people felt on the topic, and how dangerous my life would become, but I never really thought that people felt this strongly against it.

Stop thinking Ava. You're losing precious time here, getting distracted by how made-up this whole thing feels. It's real. All too real. Your life is in danger. Run. Just keep running. Maybe you'll lose them. Or they might give up. My death can't mean that much to them. Could it?  I thought to myself as I splashed through a puddle, soaking my jeans even more.

Stop! You can't afford to think like that. Just keep running.

I heard them shouting at me. They sounded close, but not close enough to catch me. I turned a corner, into an alley, hoping to lose them. Luckily, I knew my hometown like the back of my hand. The alley I had just ran into came to a dead end. However, luckily for me, there was a hole just big enough for me to fit through. From what I saw, my pursuers were a lot bigger than I, so I had a good chance of escaping them this way.

Dropping down onto my stomach, I started to crawl through the mud and rain water that soaked the cobblestone ground of the alley, through the hole at the bottom of the wall. Just as my feet passed through the crumbling red brick, I heard one of my pursuers hit the ground with a thud. I turned my head to see him desperately trying to fit himself through. After jumping to my feet, I sprinted out of the dingy alley, skidding as I turned the corner to start heading back to my house.

Then I felt my body crash into something. I tried to take a step back to see what I'd collided with but I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I looked up and saw that it was one of the members of the group that had been chasing me. He was staring down at my with hard, hateful, evil brown eyes. I assessed his face. He was dark brown, almost black eyes; his nose had obviously been broken many times by how crooked it was; he had thin lips that were currently pressed in a tight, straight line, showing his anger, at what I did not know; his brown hair was greasy, as if he hadn't had the opportunity to wash it in a while.

I gulped nervously. This man was not one you wanted to mess with. From what I could tell, he meant business.

He wasn't going until I did. And I would. I knew I would. This was worse than anything I'd ever experienced before. This was the end. This was all-too real. I was about to die...
Ima write this in and see whether Em notices/deletes it because this is her chapter. This is not part of the story, this is a break from the sad thing that is happening. Instead read this and if you're annoyed by the fact that there's literally a paragraph in the middle of the actual literature, proceed with caution because ima do this whenever it's been like three months since Em wrote something on her chapter. Hehe, this is my late April fools because I'm such a sad person. -N

IM SO SORRY NIAMH! I will try to update more than once every three months but I have no idea what I'm doing and I have writers block and I'm also writing three books on my other account (calmbefourthestorm) and yeah I'm sorry -E

Loving the self publicisment despite the fact that most of these people follow you anyway. However I'm niamh2124 if anyone wants to know. -N

Haha yeah I know but still. I bet no one will read these little comments but oh well. We'll keep them in anyway. -E

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