Chapter 2

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*Ashley's pov*

The plane lands, we get off and find our luggage.

"I'm hungry" Kim whines.

"Of corse you are".

We ate at Nandos.

"Now we know why Niall likes this place so much!".

We find our driver and go to our hotel and check in. We put our stuff on our beds when I got an idea.

"Lets run down halls and knock on peoples doors and just run away".

"Lets do it!".

We started running, we knocked on about 10 doors, on our last door a cute guy around 20 opened the door. He had brown feathery hair with a british accent. He 

looked familiar, but I wasn't sure. He said can I help you and Kim and I heard 4 voices in the background asking who it was. My necklace was heating up but I didn't

think about it. 

"Um sorry.. Wrong room?". I asked.

"Ya wrong room lets go" Kim grabbed my arm. We ran back to our room and shut the door. 

"Did your necklace heat up? mine did"

"Yea a little bit." Kim said as she sat down "Wait...."


"Did you realise who that was?!"

"I reconized him but I didnt know exactly where I knew him from"

"That was Louis Tomlinson!"

"OMG That explains the background voices"

"You dont say" Kim say in a 'no duh' tone

"Wait wait wait... Our necklaces heated up and we were by them"

Kim starts fangirling then stops "But there were plently of other people in the rooms around them"

*Louis pov* 

After those two girls ran off I stood there for a second then closed the door and walked back to the boys.

"Who was that?" Harry asked

"I have no clue. Apperntly they knocked on the wrong door" i responded

"They didnt reconize you?" Niall questioned

"I think they knew they just didnt make the connection"

"Where they cute?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows

I shrug "They looked about 15"

"SO.. Where they cute.." Harry asked again 

"I don't know. Sure" 

"Did you see what room they went into?" Zayn asked 

"Yea about 10 doors down" 

"Lets go down there!" Niall chirps

"Dont bother them" Liam said 

"Aww pweaseee Liamm" Zayn pleaded 

"Fine" Liam says and everyone gets up and head out the door.

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