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 I was just minding my own business looking through the book section of a local dust shop. I looked back and forth between two books. They were both versions of the same book, but one was older and one was a newer, revised version. I chose the revised version and began to read it. I had to push some of my black hair out of my eyes so I could read the book. I skimmed the first few pages and put it back. I would think about it as I looked around.

A few minutes later I came back and grabbed the book. I walk up to the front of the store and place it on the counter in front of the familiar old man. I tend to see him very often; almost every where I go. After I set down the book I realized that I grabbed the wrong book. I remember reading the older version a year ago and I thought that it was garbage, but the newer version seemed a lot better. I told the man that I would be right back and I ran back to the book section just as a group of people walked through the front door. I replaced the book with the newer version and was about to go back to the counter when I noticed a different book that caught my eye.

I heard the click of a gun being cocked behind me first.

Then I heard the voice. "Put your hands in the air!" I smirked and turned around. This day just got a whole lot more exciting. A man dressed in black clothes had a pistol aimed at my torso. The gun merely a few inches away.

"I said put your hands in the air!" The thug shouted impatiently. So I did. The sleeves of my hoodie slid down a few inches revealing a pair of almost matching arm bands. They were completely identical except one was black and the other was white.

"Alright, alright." I say still smirking. He had no chance.

"Now, hand over all of your valuables." He raised his gun to my head.

"Valuables... so that includes my scroll, wallet, and gauntlets, right?" I ask confidently.

"Yes." He said impatiently. "wait..."

I didn't give him a chance to finish. My right arm band, the black one, quickly unfolded around my hand. It formed a thick glove over my fist. Then I sent my fist into his face. He was sent flying through the front window. My gauntlet folded back into it's arm band form.

I shrugged and retrieved the book that I was going to buy from the shelf. I walk back to the counter where I find a few more thugs... and Roman Torchwick. I had heard a lot about him recently. Mainly about dust robberies. Who needed that much dust?

They all stared at me in disbelief as I walked confidently past them up to the cash register. I slid the book onto the counter.

"How much for this book?" I ask the old man. He opens his mouth to reply, but Torchwick interrupted him.

"Hey, um, kid?" Roman started, flicking his cigar. "We're kind of in the middle of a robbery." He leaned on his cane.

"And I'm in the middle of shopping." I snapped. A thug paced his hand on my shoulder and started to speak. He was cut off by my hand grabbing his throat. A blade had emerged from the top of my arm band. Simultaneously, every thug drew, or raised, their weapon and aimed at me.

"Shoot me and your friend dies." I grinned, holding him in front of me as a shield. I had to duck as fast as I could to avoid the bullets. So did the old man behind the counter. Both of my bands turned into gloves as I dropped. I quickly shot back up to uppercut the nearest thug. Torchwick took a few steps back, away from the fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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