20 question thing

22 2 4

Inspired by Singingrules1

I Three turn offs
When people make fun of others
When you try to act tough by hurting others
When your mean to me

2. Three turn ons
When your funny
Stand up for others
Kind heart

Don't know what it's called but I'm terrified of being alone

4. Celebrity crush
I'm gonna annoy the fuck outa some of you and say I don't have one because I already love someone and his name is Austin 💙

5. Smoke
Will never do

6. Fav movie

7. Middle name
If I tell you id have to kill you

8.fav band
I don't really have one

9. Fav music artist
No favorites I just listen to whatever

10. Embarrassing memory

11. Last thing I ate
Spaghetti......paperus made it for me. Hehehe

12. Last text received

13. 4 things you hate
My house
........Jayden. If you ever read this, fuck you Jayden. Your a dick.

14. 4 things you love

15. Random fact
I didn't talk till I was 6 and I guess that's why I talk so much now. Hehe

16. 3 ppl you miss
Sky, the long time best friend
And well that's pretty much it. I didn't really have a life beyond what I have now soooo.....

17. Tattoo you want
A moon on the side of my foot

18. A regret
Not being Donald trumps daughter.....hahaha just a joke guys I don't really wanna be his daughter..I wanna be his wife. Hehe

19. A wish at 11:11
To be with my friends forever

20. Craziest thing done
Eat the apple seeds.....ha jk. I'm not THAT crazy.

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