By definition a whisp is a small thin or twisted bunch, piece, or amount of something. In here you will find little bits of writings that have come to mind and I have written out because of boredom. Some of these have started some of my books, other...
Cast out across the ocean there are said to be stars. Not of the kind that you hear of daily- the living breathing little animals that hide among the coral and sea floor- but of the little hidden ones. During the day, they soak up the sun's light. At night, they come out to play among the fish of many kinds to play. They light up the water in a blue glow as they are moved by the quick movements of a small fish darting away, or the slower movements of a whale that is just going about its day. They are joyous little things.
But I have found that they are not just tied to the ocean waters. Along my journeys across this earth, I have found that those little stars are found throughout. My most amazing find is that near a waterfall of a place in the most remote.
I sat there for days, waiting for a storm to pass before I actually saw what I have wanted to search and find. The rain beat against the water stretched out before me, always rippling across the surface waves created by a beautiful waterfall. The sight was as beautiful during the day as I found it to be at night.
When the rains had passed and I was able to continue on my trip, I waited one other night for the ground to dry out. I didn't want to risk getting hurt out here for surely I knew no one would find me in time. It was that other night that I found them; those little stars that reside in the ocean water- or so I thought was only the ocean water. The little stars were not only tied to salt water, but fresh water alike. I carefully made my way over to the falls to look closer. The blue glow was most prominent upon the rocks, but there was also variations of pink and yellow there as well.
I hastily flip on my flashlight but found nothing more than pale brown rocks with algae making them slick, holding water to them like a sponge would. Struck anew with awe, I store my flashlight in my bag and look at the little rivers of color that have so long evaded my sights. Could this be true? My eyes are not deceiving me from lack of water or food? Lack of sleep?To confirm that that was not the case, I reach out and run my fingers over the slimy rocks, leaving the feeling aside.
It was not a dream or some kind of hallucination. The little stars fell into place where my fingers created little spots for water to be held. A smile breaks across my face as I watch them, moving as one to a new place they can claim.
Never before had I seen something so beautiful and unexplained move as if it were alive. I gently touch a finger to the glowing little stars and then look at them, finding it glowing blue just like what is found on the wet stones. Against the darkness around, I am surprised that they seem to be thriving as well as they are. Certainly something has to control where these little things live? I have hardly found many places they live to begin with- this spot being the first.
I look from my hand to the water cascading behind me, the spray of the water drenching my clothes. Maybe it is something in the water. The differing pH balances could easily effect where these stars are found. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary since the acid level of the water can change quite a bit even if just minute changes.
I look back from the water, using my free hand to wipe the cool drops of water from my face, and back to look at my hand. Only what I wanted to see again was not there. It must have just dripped off of my fingers as i watched the waterfall. I drop my hand to my side and look at the glowing rocks again, studying them as if I could see them moving. I wonder if they are really alive? I have heard nothing more than that they were lifeless, little stones with nothing more to them other than their strange bio-luminescence. Everything about living creatures only having such a beautiful trick was thrown out when these were found. They seemed simply like the stars in the sky; receiving their name by that. Though, the more appropriate term would be "lumen occultum". I do not know what it means, exactly, but apparently it is what they have been called before.
After a moment, the chill of the night air taking away all my warmth from my wet clothes, I take out a small jar I had brought with in case I found this strange new thing. Slowly I take a small portion of the glowing little stars spread out on the rocks. Wherever I took and moved to the jar, others filled in by the flow of water to the spot again to take the place of those lost. I look into the jar as soon as I had a small amount there. Before I leave, though, I look back at the rocks a moment longer. Perhaps if I can find them here, I can find them elsewhere.
I take that thought and hold it close to me. I will find others. I will. The fall's deafening roar in the night faded as I walked away back to camp- soon back home to my warm bed when I leave this place. I will share my discovery with the world about these beautiful stars when I find out more about them. Until then, I will watch the falls distort the glow of the rocks behind it until the sun begins to rise. A smile creeps onto my face again and I close my eyes. Before I can think another though, sleep overcomes me and I fall asleep to the hushed sound of the falls and the beautiful blue, yellow, and pink glow I witnessed imprinted to my mind.
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Upon furthering my studies, i have found that the tests came back inconclusive as to what those little bioluminescent things are. The lab i reside at is smaller, however, without the much more sophisticated instruments that can deal with smaller samples and yet yield large findings.
All i know is that their light is of a somewhat natural bioluminescence and are almost too small to see with the naked eye. Even as i look at the jar holding fast what i had taken from the falls i can barely make out the small specs residing inside the clear container.
Perhaps I had not taken anything but water and the minerals that have been naturally found. Then maybe those little stars are of pure minerals and only give off their glow by a reaction with other minerals. But if that is the case it is a wonder that reaction hasn't killed them off. It is just as surprising that those minerals-if that is the case- are only found in freshwater. Then ocean water would dilute them...
Sighing, i pick up the jar and walk out of the lab. The sterile white walls were no longer of comfort to me. The cool water against my hands with the small creatures inside my only focus right now. I have to go back. i have too. Not for me to delve in my findings, but to find out what it is these little things are.